The Battle That Made Incoming National Security Adviser Famous – IOTW Report

The Battle That Made Incoming National Security Adviser Famous

Seriously- Would you mess with the guy who owns this face?


ThreePercenterNation: The battle that made incoming national security adviser Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster famous was a brutal smackdown in the Iraqi desert during the Persian Gulf War known as the Battle of 73 Easting, when an Army troop took out an entire Iraqi brigade in less than 25 minutes.

McMaster’s troop of 9 M1A1 tanks and 12 Bradley tanks was leading a squadron along the southern Iraqi border in search of hidden Iraqi Republican Guard units when his tank crested a rise and the entire enemy position suddenly came into view.

Then Capt. McMaster immediately ordered his gunner to fire on the brigade, which was arrayed before them in a defensive position. The gun erupted, and within 10 seconds three Iraqi tanks were in flames. At that point, the other two tank platoons also crested the rise and, as McMaster describes it in a Discovery channel documentary, “immediately” eight more tanks were toast.  more

20 Comments on The Battle That Made Incoming National Security Adviser Famous

  1. Then, instead of acting like conquerors and keeping the whole region quiet for fear of being next, Bush went full leftist with “nation building” and let the Iraqis vote at least a decade before the should have been allowed to.

    An emboldened Iran starting sneaking over the border killing our people and bidding time until we simply went over the edge with Obozo to let them get nukes.

    The US military once again won a victory only to have weak kneed, but kissing politicians throw it away.

    Good to see a POTUS putting the right people in charge of national defense.

  2. No one has mentioned that there was a large column of black smoke obscuring enemy tanks. He took the initiative and ordered his tanks through the smoke. When he broke out the other side, he encountered an unprepared platoon to T-34 of enemy tanks.
    T 34’s are Russian tanks that are powered manually, M1A1 are powered by electronics.
    No contest!

  3. @3lb. ~ also T-72’s

    “At 4:10 p.m. Eagle Troop received fire from an Iraqi infantry position in a cluster of buildings at UTM PU 6801.[10]:443[15] Eagle troop Abrams and Bradleys returned fire, silenced the Iraqi guns, took prisoners, and continued east with the two tank platoons leading. The 12 M1A1 tanks of Eagle Troop destroyed 28 Iraqi tanks, 16 personnel carriers and 30 trucks in 23 minutes with no American losses.[16]
    At about 4:20 Eagle crested a low rise and surprised an Iraqi tank company set up in a reverse slope defence on the 70 Easting. Captain McMaster, leading the attack, immediately engaged that position, destroying the first of the eight enemy tanks to his front. His two tank platoons finished the rest.
    Three kilometers to the east McMaster could see T-72s in prepared positions. Continuing his attack past the 70 limit of advance, he fought his way through an infantry defensive position and on to high ground along the 74 Easting. There he encountered and destroyed another enemy tank unit of eighteen T-72s.”

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