Democrats Behind Mexico City Demonstration Against Tillerson – IOTW Report

Democrats Behind Mexico City Demonstration Against Tillerson

DailyCaller: An official arm of the Democratic party is behind a planned demonstration against Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.

The Mexico chapter of Democrats Abroad — “the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States,” according to the group’s website — is organizing the demonstration against Tillerson, who arrived in the Mexican capital on Wednesday.

Advertising for the demonstration on The Action Network, a website for left-wing activists, says that “Democrats Abroad Mexico and other progressive organizations like the Women’s March and Bridges to Understanding have created a petition” that demands Tillerson “meet with U.S. citizens who hold opposing views while he visits Mexico City to talk with Mexican government officials.”  Read more


7 Comments on Democrats Behind Mexico City Demonstration Against Tillerson

  1. Hey President Trump, fuckem. But let’s get some thing done on the TAX shit BEFORE August. I mean, what the fuck? you have Paul Ryan at your back. Watch your back. You also have McCain and Graham on your side. beware, the Aides of March.
    But the old alcoholic Bhoenor, says ,we have a problem. It can’t be done. So It Can’t be done..
    The Donald say’s It will be done.
    And that’s the difference between us.

  2. Instead of denigrating Mexican sovereignty by threatening to have American military boots on their soil, the State Department should just hire the Zetas for crowd control.

  3. Makes no fucking sense. They don’t even want the ones we’re going to deport back. They think they’re still dealing with a limpwristed fagola. Boy do they have a another think coming.

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