Ivanka, Jared Intervened To Strip Language Critical Of The Paris Climate Accords Out Of An Executive Order – IOTW Report

Ivanka, Jared Intervened To Strip Language Critical Of The Paris Climate Accords Out Of An Executive Order

Daily Caller: Ivanka Trump and her husband, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, intervened to get a pending executive order stripped of language critical of an international climate agreement signed by President Barack Obama.

Kushner and Ivanka “intervened to strike language about the climate deal from an earlier draft of the executive order,” sources familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal.

Ivanka and her husband “have been considered a moderating influence on the White House’s position on climate change and environmental issues,” WSJ reports. Now, the executive order will have no mention of the so-called Paris agreement.

President Donald Trump is expected to sign two executive orders in the coming days to begin dismantling Obama’s Climate Action Plan and other costly environmental regulations. The orders reportedly target the Clean Power Plan (CPP), a moratorium on new coal mining leases, and the “Waters of the U.S.” rule.

Trump promised to withdraw from the Paris agreement and stop global warming payments to the U.N. while on the campaign trail. But Trump’s opposition to Obama’s climate agenda seems to be running up against his daughter’s plans.

WSJ noted the “move is the latest sign of influence Mr. Trump’s daughter and Mr. Kushner have in a White House that has seen internal divisions on a variety of issues, including foreign policy.”


SNIP: This had better be some fake news.

16 Comments on Ivanka, Jared Intervened To Strip Language Critical Of The Paris Climate Accords Out Of An Executive Order

  1. Fake or not, it’s something to be concerned about. Soon after the election one Top Conservative on Twitter, who was part of the Never Trump coalition, said that Ivanka is Liberal.

  2. If I am forced to pay thousands of dollars more per year as a carbon tax, what will that do other than make me more poor? How much of an impact will that have on the climate, exactly? If your politicians don’t know how much effect your payments will have on temperature, then how can they quantify how much you pay?

  3. I agree, Val. Grateful HRC lost, but I’m concerned about I & J’s influence on the President. During the OWS movement, I read where Jared’s family contributed a lot of $$ to the “squatters”–LONG before DJT decided to run for office.

  4. Yeah, “sources familiar with the matter” screams “Fake News”.

    But, just in case it is true,Ivanka needs to realize that her business would be getting hammered if it weren’t for Deplorables, and maybe she’d better focus on that, instead of trying to suck up to the people who hate her guts no matter what.

  5. Ivanka has already put her liberal ideas on full display at the RNC introducing her Dad and talking about adding mandatory maternity/child care etc. She is of an age that has had the climate BS drilled into her head. You’d think the way she and her family are treated she might reconsider some of her ideas.

  6. “My cousin knows this guy, who has this friend, who said that his brother talked to this fellow while standing in line at Wendy’s who said his best friend’s uncle was online chatting with a lady in Washington D.C. who works for the F.B.I. that overheard a secretary who works in the Director’s Office talking about Trump being a Russian spy at a cocktail party. Just sayin’.”

    And it’s now a CNN exclusive!!!

  7. Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka are friends. Enough in common socially, including New York values. Ivanka seems to be loyal to her father, but she’s not a conservative and has little knowledge of flyover country lifestyles.

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