Boehner: Republicans Won’t Pass Obamacare’s Repeal and Replace – IOTW Report

Boehner: Republicans Won’t Pass Obamacare’s Repeal and Replace

Breitbart: Former Speaker John Boehner said on Thursday that Republicans are unlikely to pass an Obamacare repeal and replace package.

Politico reports that Boehner, who resigned from Congress in 2015, told a healthcare conference in Orlando, Florida, that a repeal and replace plan is just “happy talk.” He insisted that any changes to Obamacare would likely be cosmetic.

Boehner said, “[Congressional Republicans will] fix Obamacare, and I shouldn’t have called it repeal-and-replace because that’s not what’s going to happen.”

“They’re basically going to fix the flaws and put a more conservative box around it,” he added.

Congressional Republicans plan work to work on an Obamacare repeal package as early as next week. Speaker Ryan hopes to undo much of Obamacare through budgetary reconciliation and a subsequent replacement bill.

However, John Boehner isn’t so sure. Noting that in his 25 years in Congress Republicans never could agree on a healthcare proposal, Boehner said, “All this happy talk that went on in November and December and January about repeal, repeal, repeal … I started laughing, because if you pass repeal without replace, first, anything that happens is your fault. You broke it.”  MORE

SNIP: Says the roadblock to everything Conservatives tried to pass.
How is he not in an alcoholic coma right now?

22 Comments on Boehner: Republicans Won’t Pass Obamacare’s Repeal and Replace

  1. Boner knows these shitpickles better than anyone (he are one). The GOP will do what the Chamber of Commerce tells them to do. They love Obamacare because it shifted healthcare cost from corporations to taxpayers. It is in their interest to keep it that way.

  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day, yes, but the GOP has had years to get things lined up. Other than making excuses, they’ve spent their ‘political capital’ on absolute zero.

  3. Just do what a Republican House member said the other day: just pass any one of the eight bills they passed during Obuttholes tenure and submit it to Trump for a signature!

  4. What’s the difference here?
    Boehner: If you do anything…it’s your fault…you broke it.
    (That’s why he dindu nuffin for 25 fucking years)

    Harry Reid: This war is lost!

    MAGA Mr. President.

  5. ” … I started laughing, because if you pass repeal without replace, first, anything that happens is your fault. You broke it.”

    How can you break something that’s already been wrecked?

  6. @ csteventucker: Obamacare WILL be REPEALED by the end of April if not sooner. PERIOD.

    Seriously?? Do you want to bet my shared responsibility payment on that repeal? Republicans control the presidency and both houses of congress and have not repealed obamacare. What more do you need to know?

  7. If you had a cancer, would you want your doctor to “repeal and replace” it?
    Or would you rather it be excised?

    What is the matter with people?

    The fuckin alleged “cure” (ObolaCare/socialized medical insurance scam) is worst than the fuckin alleged “disease” (lack of “affordable” health insurance).

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It will continue much as it does now. They will not repeal it.

    Put yourself in their place…why should they?

    You think they fear not being re-elected? They know in the face of the hard Left candidates that will be form73rd (the Dems have no choice), all they have to do is play Kang/Kodos.

    But if cons really do stay home in massive numbers, the Republican rats still have a place at the govt table when everything Trump accomplishes is undone by the next Dem POTUS.

    And then the lights Will go out for good and the screaming really starts. But you know we’re long overdue for the great reckoning.

  9. I’m all for repeal. Period.
    Any replace will only be ACA in a box painted a different color with a different name. With strings attached that are still controlled by politicians, and un-elected government bureaucrats.

  10. I figure Trump is lining up a couple of people to look into exactly who owns the Reps and Senators. He may even make it public. I wish he would. But more likely they will be invited to a sit down and a few things explained to them. We probably won’t hear about this.

    The Bills these people submit are almost entirely written by lobbyists. Those lobbyists work for the same people the Reps and Senators do. Exposing the degree and depth of this would burn some bridges for Trump.

    But I hope the man is motivated enough to actually show the American people who really runs their Government at the National level.

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