Le Pen SURGES to lead in latest poll as voters serve ‘a slap in the face’ to establishment – IOTW Report

Le Pen SURGES to lead in latest poll as voters serve ‘a slap in the face’ to establishment

Express UK: A MASSIVE protest vote in France could tip the election the way of Marine Le Pen as claims the electorate is queuing up to give the country’s establishment a ‘slap in the face’.

Front National leader Marine Le Pen has again surged in the polls in France as she attempts to become the country’s first female president.

Mrs Le Pen is continuing to gain ground on her opponents as the hotly anticipated election gets set to shake the country to its very foundations.

According to a poll by Opinionway Le Pen is in the lead of the first round of voting in the French presidential election.

She is tipped to get 26 per cent, Emmanuel Macron has dropped to just 23 per cent while scandal-hit Francois Fillon is on just 21 per cent.

Mr Macron who has been forced to apologise over comments he made on colonisation is still polling to beat Le Pen in any run-off by 61 per cent to 39 per cent.

However, it is being suggested that France is steadying itself for a shocking win for Mrs Le Pen as members of the public speak out on why they are planning to back the Front National party.  more here

12 Comments on Le Pen SURGES to lead in latest poll as voters serve ‘a slap in the face’ to establishment

  1. I love the idea of voters slapping the face of the political establishment and their cronies, but I’d prefer the slapping be done with a yard-long piece of #5 rebar.

    Oh, wait, it’s France, so make that rebar a meter long. Close enough for govt work. (-:

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