Texas Governor Threatens Jail for ‘Sanctuary’ Sheriff – IOTW Report

Texas Governor Threatens Jail for ‘Sanctuary’ Sheriff

Abbott says bill would put Travis County official behind ‘bars that she has tried to release people from’.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday showed no sign of backing down in his high-profile battle with the sheriff of Travis County over her “sanctuary” policy. He aims to hit recalcitrant officials on multiple fronts.

Abbott said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that state legislation would hit local law enforcement officials in the pocketbook and even threaten their personal freedom for refusing to comply with federal immigration law.

“It could lead to actual criminal penalties against people like this sheriff for violating their oath of office and, hopefully, put her behind bars — the bars that she has tried to release people from,” he said.

Sheriff Sally Hernandez sparked the confrontation earlier this year by announcing a new policy that limits her department’s cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

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11 Comments on Texas Governor Threatens Jail for ‘Sanctuary’ Sheriff

  1. I’m surprised that the citizens of the County haven’t tarred and feathered her. I’d like to see State Troopers or the Texas Rangers take her in, it would be an epic perp walk.

    And I like what Gov. Abbot said about the NFL sticking their noses into the bathroom issue.
    “The NFL needs to butt out,” he said. “If they want to get involved in politics, the need to run for office. If they don’t do that, they just need to stick to football.”
    Now, if the MSM and Homowood would just get the messge too….

  2. Ok,

    A real question, what does the Gubner (elected executive)
    have over a County Sheriff (elected justice department)?
    The elected county sheriff is the senior police official
    in each county and takes precedence over the feds in all police
    Does he press charges through the State’s District Attorney?

  3. Interesting to watch from the pov of one who knew the county sheriff was my best defender against the Dem version of Federal government.

    County Sheriff is an elected position. You are taking action against a people’s representative. This is why I hardly give a hoot about what a politically appointed Police Chief has to say.

    Don’t hurry him too much.

    He better get it right for going-to-court-afterwards-wise. Because they WILL be going to court if he takes any action.

  4. Conundrum:

    A. This County Sheriff is part of the problem and something must be done to protect the nation and public from her consequences.

    B. If the County Sheriff can be easily run over – we all have trouble.

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