Nobody has a right to demand we play along with delusion – IOTW Report

Nobody has a right to demand we play along with delusion

PatriotRetort: I’m sure you’ve heard that Donald Trump lifted Barack Obama’s wrong-headed Potty Perversion Dictate.

And really? How could you not hear. It’s all the Enslaved Press is talking about.

From the way they’re behaving you would think there is a Constitutional right to demand we play along with the delusions of the mentally ill.

And of course, if we don’t want to play along, we’re intolerant.

But since when is not wanting to indulge the delusions of the mentally ill “intolerance?”

My grandmother was a paranoid schizophrenic. Among her many delusions was the belief that shadowy men were following her around and spraying her with “headache drugs.”

Now, according to the “transsexual apologists,” I should have played along with my grandmother’s crazy talk.

They would have expected me to encourage her delusion – perhaps even let myself get wrapped up in it.

For these morons, the way to handle my grandmother would have been to call 911.

No, silly! Not to have her committed.

But to report these shadowy men to the police.

“No, officer. They don’t really exist. But my grandmother is a paranoid schizophrenic. And she believes they exist. So, we have to play along. Could you just send an patrol car out here to take her complaint?”

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14 Comments on Nobody has a right to demand we play along with delusion

  1. The Feds have no right to demand that anyone be allowed to enter any restroom or shower they please regardless of what delusion they claim. To demand that a school (where all the students are minors) be forced to put the children in danger or even just embarrassment is criminal.

  2. Personally, I don’t care if a guy wants to believe he is a woman or vice versa. Have at it; dress up in frilly dresses, wear high heels and make-up, and flounce around to your heart’s content.

    But recognize that you are definitely in a minority, and you must conform to some basic social norms. If you are sporting a johnson under that cute taffeta number, use the men’s room. Likewise, womens’ locker rooms are for real women and not pretend wannabes. This isn’t even something that should be the subject of a political debate – it’s actually just common courtesy and common sense.

    But then again, leftists don’t really have either.

  3. The progressives are demanding that we deny reality and encourage confused people to continue with their transgender illusions. Maybe the left is so enamored by the east that they want to recreate the eunich cast from days of old.

  4. Hehe, about 5 months after joining the Navy in ’84,
    my school command got a phone call from the Nebraska
    state police. It appears my then 93 year old great
    grandmother reported me breaking into her garage and
    stealing things.
    I was in Florida the whole time.

    As for gender bathrooms, I have no problem guarding
    my daughter in her stall while she does her business, and
    I’ll give ANYBODY grief who argues that.

  5. Did you know that the obola book put out by the DOE included guidance that teachers, guidance counselors, any adult at the school is forbidden to tell the parents their child believe it is transgender without the child’s permission? Yes it says that, I downloaded the document.

    Not ALLOWED TO TELL THE PARENTS without the CHILD’s permission.

  6. The larger argument is that if Gender assignment disorder is actually a disorder, what does that make being Gay?
    The Gay Mafia and the Leftist sycophants will kill to keep this debate from rising to the surface.
    The poor Trans-gender afflicted are cannon fodder in the Gay agenda

  7. Being a resident of the People’s Republik of the Socialist CAtatonic State, I wish I were a business owner. If nothing else, just to ‘comply’ and put a port-a-potty right in the middle of a clothing (or any) store with one of those hand wash stations setting next to it.

  8. They can do whatever they want to their own bodies, I don’t care. but if it has two “X” chromosomes, it’s a female. If it has one “X” and one “Y” chromosome it is a male. You can’t change that. Why are progressives so anti-science?

  9. I am reminded of an old bit of comedy that was so off the wall crazy 35 years ago and yet we see this and more being pushed as a societal norm by the dictators on the left who say if you do not agree with them you will be crushed under the wheels of an all powerful government whose goal is NOT to protect society but to further the leftist agenda. And far too much of our Rino establishment supports and defends this societal suicide.

    Favorite line “This is symbolic of our struggle against oppression”
    “This is symbolic of his struggle against reality.”

    MSG Grumpy

  10. There’s gotta be some radical, Leftist, Communist Organizers out there who are saying “Let’s find out just how far we can push crazy in this country with the most preposterous concept we can dream up. Let’s find out how many teeth-gnashing, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisterizing-metro-sexually-confused Progressives with their heads full of mush firmly stuck up their asses viewing the world thru their vaginas there really are out there!
    The results are astounding!
    Our enemies must be thinking: Hand me the Easy Button!

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