When you find youself in danger, When you’re threatened by a stranger, When it looks like you will take a lickin’… – IOTW Report

When you find youself in danger, When you’re threatened by a stranger, When it looks like you will take a lickin’…

28 Comments on When you find youself in danger, When you’re threatened by a stranger, When it looks like you will take a lickin’…

  1. i have to share that I have the ‘Super Chicken’ cartoon song firmly embedded in my memory banks. And like t Jack, hell yeah, Tom Slick in his Thunderbolt Greaseslapper. We had awesome cartoons when we were kids. Those writers must have been having a blast writing that stuff and acting like over-sugared teenagers. I actually got out of the house on Saturdays, too. In the summers we used to swim in the Mississippi River. My how things have changed in 40 years

  2. There is one thing you should learn, when there is no one else to turn to,
    Call out for super chicken.
    Gad, my deep memory was just triggered.
    Can’t find the stuff I carry around with me half the time, but that, that I have retained.
    Buck, those were some good Saturdays

  3. As a child, Saturdays mornings were the only days I didn’t need to be woken up.

    One day, I realized I was choosing to be sleepy and resistant to getting up on school days.

    I love being a morning person and those awesome Saturdays back then led me to it.

    Cartoons were the fallback if the friends weren’t home.

    Yet, I had a friend that I had a long-running competition to name every TV show that was ever on. Went on for many months winding down to a response every week or so at the end.

    Had a great childhood, but would not do it over again for anything. No regrets so far.

    Especially if I took my current knowledge back with me. Ugh. That would be hell, except for the part where I invest in Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Home Depot, AT&T, etc as they come along.

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