State Department Memo on Media Leaks Gets Leaked to Washington Post – IOTW Report

State Department Memo on Media Leaks Gets Leaked to Washington Post

Breitbart: A report generated by the State Department on the threat posed by leaks to the media was leaked toWashington Post columnist Josh Rogin, according to his commentary published on Friday.

Rogin, who does not provide the memo or a link to the February 20 memo in his commentary, did give a link to the State Department official who allegedly wrote the memo, Richard Visek, acting legal adviser at the agency.

“The State Department legal office prepared a four-page memo for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warning of the dangers of leaking by State Department employees,” Rogin wrote. “It promptly leaked, to me.”

“That’s only the latest sign that the relationship between the Trump administration political appointees and the State Department professional workforce is still very much a work in progress,” Rogin wrote.

The memo was entitled “SBU: Protecting Privileged Information,” according to Rogin.

“The SBU stands for Sensitive But Unclassified, a designation used on documents that are not technically secret but also not supposed to be shared,” Rogin wrote. “The memo itself is marked SBU and begins with detailed explanation of how and when Tillerson has the privilege of protecting certain types of information from public disclosure, such as anything that has to do with internal State Department deliberations.”

“But the bulk of the memo is devoted to arguments for clamping down on unauthorized disclosures of sensitive information, also known as leaking,” Rogin wrote.  more here

8 Comments on State Department Memo on Media Leaks Gets Leaked to Washington Post

  1. Rogin never even considers that he might have been fed this “leak”. Because Trump is an angry, thin-skinned ignoramus.

    If Rogin had just sat on this “story”, it might have stymied the effort to nail down one particular leaker. As it is, he probably gave the Trump team just what they needed to know. And the public gets informed about how and why leaks are bad. win/win.

  2. They will be ferreted out, the fukking rats will be pushed out. Just a matter of time.

    President Trump will get to the bottom of it all. This is just the price you pay for having all this post 9-11 spy-state tech in place.

  3. Sec Tillerson best get his rear in gear and start firing ALL O-shi*head leftovers. No big deal if his good guys put in some overtime, but the creeps just have to be ousted ASAP. It’s not up to Pres. Trump to do EVERYTHING…Tillerson is perfectly capable.

    Just this: GET IT DONE. NOW!

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