Obama devotees in France hoping for an ‘OBAMA17’ presidential campaign – IOTW Report

Obama devotees in France hoping for an ‘OBAMA17’ presidential campaign

GoWatertown: A group of Barack Obama devotees in France aren’t happy with the homegrown contenders vying for the country’s presidency, so they’re hoping that the former U.S. president will step in and run for office this spring.

“OBAMA17” posters have been spotted plastered across Paris, urging citizens to visit the group’s website and sign a petition to convince Obama to enter the race. The goal is to get 1 million people to sign the petition.

Why Obama? “Because he has the best resume in the world for the job,” reads the website, which is in no way connected to Obama.

While this all sounds good, there is one problem. The French president needs to be, well, French. And Obama is not.  more

SNIP: No problem there! He’s not even American and he got elected here.  😉

But by all means, take him and his entire family off our hands.

27 Comments on Obama devotees in France hoping for an ‘OBAMA17’ presidential campaign

  1. Obama could be world leader. Everyone seems to love him, for no apparent reason. They may invent an office just for him. In Brazil they love him just because he is not White and not really Black (Brazilians are very racist.) They feel like he is “one of their own.” They don’t even mind that he was listening to their President’s phone calls. The guy can’t do no wrong, apparently.

  2. Just saw a nausea-inducing commercial for “The Obama Years” on the Smithsonian channel. Isn’t Smithsonian supported with our taxes? Might be another swamp that needs draining.

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