Bush Daughter Set To Headline Planned Parenthood Fundraiser – IOTW Report

Bush Daughter Set To Headline Planned Parenthood Fundraiser

Barbara is cozy with Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards. At a previous lunch with Richards, reported by The New York Times, she referred to Planned Parenthood as an “exceptional organization.” Barbara also attended a fundraiser for then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Paris in October.

 Story here

18 Comments on Bush Daughter Set To Headline Planned Parenthood Fundraiser

  1. Well, at least you know that her stand on Clinton and PP will have removed all Republican support for her and her Name will remove any Democrat support for her so we won’t have to worry about her going into politics.

  2. I think you should have to witness an abortion if you’re going to help Planned Parenthood. Has this stupid evil woman done her field level research?

    Conservative reporters should ask this question of all abortion proponents:”Have you ever witnessed an abortion? Why not?”

  3. True colors. The elite have nowhere to hide anymore since Trump’s win revealed their hypocrisy. Abortion is heinous. Anyone who supports abortion has blood on their hands.

  4. Cecile Richards’ mother, the uber-lesbo Ann Richards, was a disgrace who got her ass kicked out of Texas politics for daring to tell Texans during her attempt to get reelected that she didn’t care what the people of Texas wanted, they weren’t getting the right to carry conceal guns. She was also dating the female coach of the U of T women’s basketball team.

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