Lawyer: Racist Note Given To Black Waitress In Virginia Is A Fake – IOTW Report

Lawyer: Racist Note Given To Black Waitress In Virginia Is A Fake


A black waitress who received thousands of dollars in donations after she claimed she received a racist note and no tip from a patron last month fabricated the incident, the customer claims.

Kelly Carter, a waitress at Anita’s New Mexico Cafe in Ashburn, Va., claimed that a white man stiffed her on his $30.52 restaurant bill and wrote “Great service, don’t tip black people” at the bottom of his receipt.

But the note was forged, says Daniel Hebda, a lawyer for the customer.

Hebda said in a statement Friday that his client did leave Carter a small tip — one penny — because her service was poor, not because she is black.

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19 Comments on Lawyer: Racist Note Given To Black Waitress In Virginia Is A Fake

  1. Is it to the point now where we have to record what we do and say, our own lives, on a minute-by-minute basis, to protect ourselves against these lying thieving scammers?

  2. She should be arrested, tried, sentenced, and jailed for fraud.
    And, if possible, the donated money returned to the donors. If not possible, give it to the nearest homeless shelter. Which is where I predict this bint will end up.

  3. She should move to LA and vote for Maxine Waters. She’d be a hero and set an example. In fact, when Maxine retires (if ever or she assumes room temperature) she could take her seat in Congress

  4. Now, she shared her windfall with Rachel Dolezal who’s homeless and penniless now that she’s forced to admit she’s suffered due to white privilege, so lay off the sista![sarcasm off]

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