Feds Spending $393,790 Studying Trannies in Uganda – IOTW Report

Feds Spending $393,790 Studying Trannies in Uganda

‘Individuals who self-identify as women should not be classified in research as men’.

WFB: The National Institutes of Health is spending nearly $400,000 studying transwomen in Uganda.

A new grant worth $163,996 was awarded just six days into the Trump administration, continuing a project that was initially awarded in April 2016.

Leading researchers on the project say it is “problematic” that there is an “almost complete lack of research examining the HIV risk of sexual minority women and transgender people” in the African country.

“HIV/AIDS is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in Uganda, with an estimated 7.3 [percent] adults HIV Positive,” according to the grant for the study. “[M]en who have sex with men (MSM) bear a particularly high disease burden, with 13.2 [percent] living with HIV. Despite this increased risk, there is a considerable dearth of scientific literature documenting the barriers and facilitators to behavior change in this vulnerable Population. We need to better understand the HIV risk and protective behaviors of MSM and other sexual minority men in Uganda, if we are to develop effective Prevention programming.” more

19 Comments on Feds Spending $393,790 Studying Trannies in Uganda

  1. lack of research examining the HIV risk of sexual minority women and transgender people

    In summary, HIV risk is equal among minority transgender as it is with privileged majority cisgender.

    When do I get the check?

  2. Not that I think it would be good value for them, but why isn’t Uganda funding this study if it is so important. More likely this is another kickback scheme. All this idiotic studies reek of kickbacks.

  3. New law- squandering public funds puts you in front of a firing squad. Anyone asking for public money had better have a valid idea that needs to be explored.

    No more studies on the effect of alcohol on hookers in China, turtle crossing tunnels in Florida and trannies anywhere. Oh, I should clarify, if you have the personal funds to study the long term affects (or short term for that matter) of alcohol on hookers in China- knock yourself out. Just don’t expect tax payer money to make that happen.

  4. My solution. Don’t fuck the green monkey, or any monkey, or goat, or any farm animal. Don’t inject drugs and don’t buttfuck your boyfriend. Just act like a normal human and you’ll be fine.
    If you feel something coming on, just take a coupla shots of Dewars and that should clear it up.
    There should be no need for a $394,000 grant. That money could be used towards the wall.

  5. If you ever drove through the African countryside, you’d know that the roads – if you can call them that – are hell on not on the trannie but also on the suspension, tires and well-being of the driver.

    Oh….never mind.

  6. “almost complete lack of research examining the HIV risk of sexual minority women and transgender people” in the African country.

    there is a considerable dearth of scientific literature documenting the barriers and facilitators to behavior change in this vulnerable Population.

    rooting more victim classes?

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