5 words that ruin a date – IOTW Report

5 words that ruin a date

Sorry, my  wife is calling.

I voted for Hillary Clinton.

Can you get me pregnant?

Who else knows you’re here?

138 Comments on 5 words that ruin a date

  1. When I visited Paris, I bought a French phrase book. There was a section specifically for dating. One of the English phrases they translated was “I’m on the methadone treatment.”

    Really? Does that come up a lot when dating in France?!

    I laughed about that for weeks.

  2. can my mom come along?
    wanna see my earwax collection?
    I dig serial killer movies
    self-hickeys freak you out?
    I eat booger … wanna watch?
    I transsexual … bathroom break anyone?

    I’m a democrat …. cool, huh?

  3. Glocks are over rated
    Auto Tune makes music better
    Let’s have Chicago style pizza
    Check out my pussy hat
    Only cops should have guns
    This yeast infection’s really bad
    Is this dinner halal?
    Your white privilege is showing
    I’m majoring in Women’s Studies
    Nachos are not a meal
    Who needs so much ammo?
    Me? I voted for Kasich.

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