US mulls leaving UN Human Rights Council – IOTW Report

US mulls leaving UN Human Rights Council

An extraordinarily large number of members of the Human Rights Council have no business judging whether one country or another is in violation.

AT: Of all the useless international organizations under UN auspices, the Human Rights Council may be the most ridiculous.

Now, the Trump administration is seriously considering canceling US participation on the council, protesting its blatant anti-Israel bias and a membership of countries that make up some of the worst human rights abusers on the planet.


A final decision on membership in the council would likely involve Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, as well as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, and of course the president himself.

A former State Department official briefed on the discussions said while the council’s targeting of Israel is likely part of the debate, there also are questions about its roster of members and doubts about its usefulness overall.

Countries known for human rights abuses, such as China and Saudi Arabia, have managed to snag seats on the 47-member council.

“There’s been a series of requests coming from the secretary of state’s office that suggests that he is questioning the value of the U.S. belonging to the Human Rights Council,” the former official said.

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6 Comments on US mulls leaving UN Human Rights Council

  1. US out of the UN now. A complete waste of taxpayer money. Not only that – the UN has become the enemy. We are now paying the enemy to attack us and our allies and to overrun western civilization.

  2. I say stay in the UN for veto purposes but demand that every participating country be required to pay the exact same amount of dues per year and then freeze that amount for 50+ years! Also, demand rent and other costs for housing the UN in this country!

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