COTR: In case you missed the news, the Women’s March is coming back for the #DayWithoutAWoman on March 8 (guess they have to get more than one use out of those pussyhats). Which means that feminists aren’t going to show up to work or school or pretty much life that day. And I have to ask – will we really notice that feminists aren’t around? (It might actually be a little quieter.)
In anticipation of the event, the official Twitter account for the Women’s March did pose this question to the men in the audience, basically browbeating them into supporting their idiotic cause –
Men: how do you plan to support #DayWithoutAWoman on March 8th?
And for the dudes who realize that this whole protest is complete BS (bless you guys), they answered the question in the TOTALLY thoughtful and caring way that it deserves to be answered – more
h/t Susan
There you go again, honey. Asking twitter. I keep mansplaining why you shouldn’t do that. Your just going to get your little feelings hurt, so stick with the Magic Eight Ball.
Hey great now ladies you can build your own damn houses, cars, malls, roads, support your kids and yourself and fight the wars! I’m off to make me a ham sammich!
I will support the cause, by spending the day not comparing the butts and boobs of all the womyn I see.
Just kidding. Most of you feminist hags ain’t worth a second glance.
Thoughtful? ‘Scuse me, while I whip this out.
I will support your march by building a giant penis and claim it is a vagina puppet. And you will have to agree, because transphobia.
I think changing the locks would be a great start.
I’ll be on the street corner handing out paper bags.
LOL @aleon,
I can imagine some guy going to the drugstore to buy a single condom and asking the clerk to put it into the biggest paper bag they have.
good you have the paper ones, (don’t cut eye holes in them)
i’ll pass out the plastic bags and include rubber bands to hold them on with.
So I just read that there were all these Patriot rallys in support of PDT planned. ( Dates range from 2/25 to 3/5. With one in DC on 3/4. Problem I see is that it wasn’t well promoted by our side. And there are no BIG GIANT marches planned. Why?
Some have begun kicking the idea of a BIG march in DC on the same day as the correspondents dinner. I LOVE THE IDEA! It’s two months out, so there is time to plan. I mean, if the conservatives WILL come together and plan – also not let the damn Never-Trumpers get in and take over. If the pussyhead people can pull of a giant march to take place the day following the Inauguration, why can’t decent, normal, well-meaning, pissed off, fed-up middle Americans get a big ass rally thrown together in two months time? Seriously. The many small rallys are good for bonding, but they will be ignored. A huge rally in DC against the dishonest media on the night they have their President Trump roast for dinner – that will make a statement!
“If the pussyhead people can pull of a giant march to take place the day following the Inauguration…”
Don’t let them tell you that was planned. Most of those slanks already had reservations in DC to celebrate Hillary’s inauguration. The only thing they did is not let a crisis and a deposit go to waste.
Thirdtwin – Yes, I know. MANY thousands had brought plane tickets and paid for multi-day (required by many of the DC hotels)non-refundable lodgings. When we checked into the Watergate there were a BUNCH of pussyheads wandering around. And we stayed on the 19th – so obviously they need not have been there on that date. And with the room rates! Obviously they didn’t pay an extra grand per night just to beat the crowds. The average rooms rates in DC for April 28th and 29th run from about $150 (before tax) on up, so way more reasonable than the rates the pussyheads had to pay, LOL.
And that is her unchangeable, unequivocal, position…………PERIOD!