Oscars sensation ‘Gary from Chicago’ is attempted rapist – IOTW Report

Oscars sensation ‘Gary from Chicago’ is attempted rapist

DMUK: The man who stole the show at the Oscars as ‘Gary from Chicago’ was convicted of attempted rape and served more than 22 years in prison, DailyMail.com reveals.

Gary Alan Coe and his fiancee Vickie Vines were part of the group of tourists Jimmy Kimmel invited inside the Dolby Theater during the ceremony Sunday night, gaining instant celebrity.

The pair made an impression as they calmly snapped photos of the celebrities sitting just inches from them, revealed they were engaged and even got fake-married by Denzel Washington.

Gary, a native of the South Shore of Chicago, was only able to attend the ceremony because he had been released three days beforehand, he told ABC7.

DailyMail.com can disclose that one of those felonies is attempted rape, for which Coe, 59, is a registered sex offender. He was jailed in October 1994, public records show.

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h/t 19th Ward Chicago.

14 Comments on Oscars sensation ‘Gary from Chicago’ is attempted rapist

  1. How fitting. And kissing the hand of THE Hollywood leading-lady, Nicole Kidman.

    I wonder how she feels, finding this out. The very people lecturing the nation about who we let in our country through immigration DID NOT VET the people they so benevolently allowed to enter the holy of holies, to gaze upon their majesty. It just reinforces Trumps position on immigration that this has been discovered.

    But I thought it was interesting, Kimmel spoke with the black and asian couples, but not with the white couple.

  2. He did the time, so I suppose it’s unfair to judge him… @ the same time, you’d think that they would check to make sure that the attendees didn’t have a record, especially one like that!

  3. just plain stupid- invite anybody no matter what they did just so you can get some attention for doing–what???
    looking stupid when the truth comes out.. these people all live in or came from the twilight zone……

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