And John McCain is the scaredest rabbit of all – IOTW Report

And John McCain is the scaredest rabbit of all


In my post this morning, I pointed out that I believe Obama’s surveillance does not begin and end with Donald Trump.

In fact, I’ve been saying for years that I think Barack Obama was using his “very, very powerful database” to collect dirt on his Republican opponents.

I really do believe that some Republicans are joining the pig-pile on Devin Nunes because they fear where this investigation will go and what it might reveal about them.

And shortly after posting that column, I read this headline from the Hill:
McCain: Nunes ‘killed’ opportunity for bipartisan investigation into Russian interference

Yup. John McCain was on “This Week with George Steophanopoulos” attacking about Devin Nunes. But not only that. He tried to turn the focus back on Russia.

He told Martha Raddatz, that paragon of unbiased reporting, this:

“If we’re really going to get to the bottom of these things, it’s got to be done in a bipartisan fashion. And as far as I could tell, Congressman Nunes killed that.”

He killed it?   more here

27 Comments on And John McCain is the scaredest rabbit of all

  1. The failed Manchurian candidate speaks.

    Doing things in a “bipartisan fashion”????

    This “maverick” was broken a long time ago.
    Once a surrender monkey always a surrender monkey.
    Loyalty and principle are just two words that escape McCain’s vocabulary.

  2. Of all people, he should understand the level of risk and criminal actions taken to have over 20 Special Access Protocol (SAP) programs intentionally released to sources not vetted or cleared and in open mediums.

  3. John Roberts on Supreme Court was caught up in
    The obama pervert dragnet. It’s the only explanation for AbysmalCare surviving constitutional muster. Dude pretzel twisted like an earthworm on a fishing hook.

  4. The key words. “As far as I can tell” a pile of bovine droppings might smell like roses.
    Is that reality, no, but it is as far as he can tell. What a PoS he is.

  5. No, Johnny. If you want to work out an “arrangement” that nobody can “squeal” on, you need to be sure that everybody is just as dirty. If you want to get rich on a Ponzi scheme, you have to be sure that the people paying you, have to keep paying you if they want to keep getting paid. If you want to get the truth out, you just need one (moderately) honest person, and the evidence. A passably honest team might sift through it faster. But it won’t be any more truthy. Look, Johnny, there’s nothing wrong with being a proudly fake patriot. But when you start loudly talking stupid, well, the rest of the “everybody’s in on it” crew should start to worry about you being able to keep your mouth shut.

  6. I can’t watch news on the television, even FOX, lest I throw things at my tele. However, I think it was Mark Levin I was listening to, and this somewhat validates what he said in that, you never see McCain on anything other than a liberal news site like; CNN, MSLSD, etc…

    He’s obviously one of the turds floating in the punchbowl.

  7. I can’t watch Faux news or any of the others,
    they just piss me off and I don’t need that.

    McShitstain? He needs to go away, he’s not even hiding
    his vileness now.

  8. Said the unindicted Enron co-conspirator. Senator McCain is an anti-American. The “Hero of the Forrestal” can ESAD. The McCain family has no honor.

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