Former Egyptian Ambassador: Trump Should Undo Obama’s Sponsorship Of Muslim Brotherhood – IOTW Report

Former Egyptian Ambassador: Trump Should Undo Obama’s Sponsorship Of Muslim Brotherhood

Breitbart: TEL AVIV – President Abdel Fatah Sisi’s visit to the United States later this month will be an opportunity to undermine the Muslim Brotherhood’s standing in Washington, a former Egyptian ambassador to the US said.

Abdel Raouf al-Ridi told Egyptian paper Alshorouk that “Egyptian-American relations are entering a new phase, and the degree of their success relies on Egyptian efforts.”

“Presidents Trump and Sisi can break the ice created during the Obama administration,” he said. “Without doing injustice to Obama, he adopted the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.”  read more 

10 Comments on Former Egyptian Ambassador: Trump Should Undo Obama’s Sponsorship Of Muslim Brotherhood

  1. If that happens it should send CNN into a feeding frenzy! I can see the headlines now – “Trump breaking ties with Egypt!” “Trump turns back on Egyptian Muslims!” Of course there will be no mention of Sisi requesting that the only break is with the Muslim Brotherhood and not Egypt itself.

  2. I hope Trump pastes CAIR and they are finally revealed as unindicted co-conspirators of islam and the muslim brotherhood.

    This is one area in which those with ties to MB, however tenuous, must be eradicated from ALL gov’t positions.

  3. I remember Obama’s first foreign speech as president. Of course it was in Egypt. He insisted that the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood be present. The Egyptian government was not pleased. It was a clear signal to radical Muslims that Obama was sympathetic to them. Then came the “Arab Spring”. What a mess.

  4. I just saw that convicted Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan started a hunger strike. Where’s his buddy on this? After all it was just workplace violence. Oh that’s right, he’s on a island hiding out.

  5. I remember when the Egyptians threw over Morsi and rejected the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama was not the least bit happy about that. How dare the Egyptians choose their own leadership.

    I almost laughed my ass off at photos of some Egyptians holding signs declaring that Obama was a terrorist.

    Nope…Hopey was NOT pleased at all.


  6. To all those that think President Trump is not accomplishing anything – Just look at these sensible, pro-American, pro-Western Civilization foreign relations moves like partnering with Egypt’s President el-Sisi to bring real peace and stability to the Middle East.

  7. The obamanite tried to get the MB to over throw
    Sisi, when Sisi became the elected leader, he outlawed
    them and started killing them.

    He will talk to Trump about those terrorists, it’s
    gonna cause a lot of shit for them and cair. Buy
    the popcorn peeps!

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