Note To NATO Members: Club Membership Has Gone Up – IOTW Report

Note To NATO Members: Club Membership Has Gone Up

DailyCaller: So Secretary of State Rex Tillerson thinks the deadbeats of NATO should start contributing to the alliance? He proposes they put a plan together in the next two months towards that end? He wonders why they haven’t done so already after promising in 2014 that they would spend two percent of their national GDPs on their respective military forces?

What a novel concept and how utterly appropriate! Coming from a NATO debtor nation like Canada, where we spend an abysmal one percent of our GDP on the military — given or take a few thousand dollars — I can fully understand why the United States is finally complaining after anchoring NATO for almost 70 years.

Throughout that time the focus of this superbly successful alliance has shifted from containing and being prepared to confront the clear threat of Soviet communism to a mission today that seeks to combat and constrain an international terrorism that is as complex as it is elusive.

One thing has remained constant: the military preparedness bill and the United States continues to pay the bulk of it.
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7 Comments on Note To NATO Members: Club Membership Has Gone Up

  1. 50% import taxes on cars, aircraft, all the way to pricey handbags and lederhosen to motivate them. Reduction to 20% tariff after full year of budget target.

  2. We’ve occupied Germany and Italy long enough.
    The alliance is fine, so long as it is a true alliance of interests, and not a welfare scheme to allow the Europeans to divert money that should be spent on Defense on “Social Programs” allowing the further descent into Hell.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Seeing that today’s biggest warring threat comes from radical islam, NATO members who allow unrestricted influx of islamists should pay for Cadillac military coverage. Why should a country who protects its borders against this threat pay the same as those who aid, abet and actually provide a hothouse for the same threat?

  4. Those countries that claim we’re getting valuable real estate to house our troops and operations should realize that today’s drones only need a much smaller aircraft carrier. A houseboat on a river ought to do.

  5. Abigail nailed it. NATO should encourage Germany to Go Fascist For A Day and set their army to busting down Mohammedan doors in the ghettoes and banleaus, saying “Kanacken Raus!”

  6. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper was moving toward that goal (slowly to be sure but methodically so as not to explode into deficits again while at the same time fighting the Liberals, the NDP and the Parti Quebecois who were looking for military cuts to spend the money on social programs) when Canadians seemed to collectively have a 10 point drop in IQ and elect a majority Liberal government led by the dreamy Justin Trudeau whose previous work experience has been teaching grade 2, bouncing at a bar and spending his trust fund. Don’t expect any rational defense policy and spending for the next little while.

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