Carr: Teddy’s institute could use a spark – IOTW Report

Carr: Teddy’s institute could use a spark

At the gift shop, they could sell some of Teddy’s favorite fashion accessories, like a neck brace.

BostonHerald: The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate needs to come up with some new box-office draws, pronto, before the start of the summer tourist season.

According to a recent news report, the two-year-old Institute in Dorchester was supposed to draw 150,000 visitors a year. So far it’s averaging 62,000 annually, which includes 16,000 students, in other words, draftees.

This falling short of projections is nothing new for the Institute. Its $78 million cost was supposed to be borne mostly by the late senator’s dear friends, almost all of whom went AWOL, along with their checkbooks, after the Liberal Lion died in 2009.

The feds had to dip into the Defense Department budget to cover the cost of Teddy’s white elephant.

But the Institute’s building can still be put to good use. May I suggest a new mission —

28 Comments on Carr: Teddy’s institute could use a spark

  1. If anyone was honest, they should sell the land/building and put our hard-earned tax money BACK into the “Fed” (aka TAXPAYER MONEY!).

    Other uses: Use it as an out-processing and holding facility for illegal aliens and other deportees. If Fed $$ paid for it, it’s a Fed facility; let ICE have it.

  2. 45,000,000 innocent and defenseless babies in the womb had to be executed so this guy could become the most powerful person in the Senate. Perhaps there’s room on the walls of the Kennedy Institute to paint a mural showing what happens to people like Ted Kennedy when they die? Bet he’d do anything to be back in the waters of Chappaquiddick right about now.

  3. Then there was the day when teddy was scooting around the north east corner of the Capitol building and I was scooting in the opposite direction, both on foot, not on the sidewalk but kind of through the shrubs. We darn near had a head on at that corner and he was positively startled. If I had been a bad guy looking to finish off the last of the Kennedy brothers he’d have been toast. He actually looked scared until he realized that I was just a dude short cutting my way to my lunch spot. Maybe he was looking for his stash. Weird encounter anyway.

  4. They need flashier items for the gift shop…
    – combo tie bar and condom stash
    – 90 proof mouthwash
    – discount memberships in the Fabian Society
    – buy on / get one free Hyannisport shot glasses
    – book of discount coupons for Alibis Я Us
    – first edition Waitress Sandwich cookbook coauthored with Chris Dodd

  5. It needs a diorama depicting Teddy burning in Hell for Eternity.

    If it is as named an “Institute for the US Senate”, the diorama will be instructive to all the other lying shitweasels in the Senate

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