Obama administration gave Islamic market guilty of food stamp fraud a pass – IOTW Report

Obama administration gave Islamic market guilty of food stamp fraud a pass

JihadWatch: “But an attorney for Sindbad Market asked for and received an exemption in September on grounds that suspension would cause a hardship for Muslim food stamp recipients, who rely on the market for its preparation of halal meat, in accordance with Islamic law.”

Of course. To have taken any other course of action would have been “Islamophobic.”

“Islamic Market Guilty of Food Stamp Fraud Gets a Pass,” by Brendan Kirby, PoliZette, March 27, 2017 (thanks to Maurice):

Maine Gov. Paul LePage is objecting to a break the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Obama administration gave a halal market that made fraudulent food stamp transactions.

But federal officials told LifeZette the decision is final.

“If you have rules, you need to follow the rules. The problem with the previous administration is they were very, very weak on fraud.”

The case involves Sindbad Market in Portland. According to the Agriculture Department’s Office of Inspector General, the market made four fraudulent transactions with three ineligible customers. Because the owner was personally involved in one of the transactions, that ordinarily would trigger a one-year suspension of the ability to accept food stamps, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.  more here

14 Comments on Obama administration gave Islamic market guilty of food stamp fraud a pass

  1. The solution to this was easy. Let the Muslims use their foodstamps at a kosher butchers that haven’t been found guilty of fraud. Both Jews and Muslims can consume meat slaughtered and prepared by approved butchers of either religion.

  2. If I ran the government, I would do food stamp stings all over the place – like your local police department does for liquor stores selling to underage customers. Heck – they even run stings for selling cigarettes to minors around here.
    If the local market gives the “customer” cash for food stamps, come back and bust the market – throw the owner in jail.
    You could cut fraud in half within a year, by catching 10% and scaring another 40% more.

  3. You really want to cut into fraud, run reverse stings, where law enforcement is the one running a shop that is handing cash for food stamps. In two months one sting store could catch hundreds.

  4. And it’s past time to correct that, Tony R.
    If the Republicants WON’T do anything about this they must be throw out with the other worthless garbage, forcibly if need be.

  5. They do food stamp fraud stings here quite often, and
    the owners go down with prison time an fines. It’s quite
    Was standing behind a guy in line at a grocery who
    threw a pack of smokes in the pile. Teller get’s to the
    smokes, pulls them aside and totals out (he’s holding
    a snap card in sight). He nods to add the smokes and the
    girl out and out said NO. He insisted, she persisted, it
    was funny watching how pissed he got. He left without
    the smokes, LOL.

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