Rand Paul Calls For Susan Rice To Testify On Unmasking Trump Officials – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Calls For Susan Rice To Testify On Unmasking Trump Officials

DC: GOP Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said he believes former National Security Advisor Susan Rice should testify before Congress on her request to unmask the names of Trump transition officials collected during routine intelligence-gathering operations.

Paul argued the situation should not be downplayed, saying reforms need to be made to prevent individuals from being blackmailed on personal aspects of their lives through unmasking. He noted there was nothing stopping the former administration from looking through Trump officials and national security advisors’ conversations during the transition window.

“If it is allowed, we shouldn’t be allowing it, but I don’t think should just discount how big a deal it is that Susan Rice was looking at these,” he told reporters Monday. “And she needs to be asked, ‘Did President Obama ask her to do this? Was this a directive from President Obama?  I think she should testify under oath on this.”


19 Comments on Rand Paul Calls For Susan Rice To Testify On Unmasking Trump Officials

  1. Kabuki theater, getting a truthful answer from an Obama appointed attorney in a House Committee is like nailing Jell-O to the wall. Obfuscation dances around truth to the point of dizziness.

    Skip the theatrics, go to a Grand Jury.

  2. Agree with all the above.
    Drag her ass in front of a federal grand jury.
    No immunity unless she is in possession of probative information that implicates Barky.
    Make that canary sing or feed her to the cat.

  3. Chess.

    Paul played golf with Trump and has been in good favor since the election. I don’t think Rice is one, but for being called out will scare the bejeppers out of others. Her “making requests” is just one variation of the story leaked.

    HowI understand it is there would be an undeniable paper trail if she made the requests, because she had not authority to do so. NSA is not part of the IC. Even if she asked, the one who had the information to secretly give her is the one they’re after.

  4. I’m so sick of congress trying (haphazardly) to harness the gleefully illegal and destructive OBAMA/CLINTON hurricane. Obama s filth is like an insidious, malicious haunting.

    We don’t need ANOTHER congressional investigation. Clean out the obama web DOJ, then let the REAL FBI investigate and bring charges.

  5. The NYPD is still sitting on 600,000 emails from Huma’s laptop seized when Weiner couldn’t control his weiner shots. A NYPD Deputy Chief threatened (allegedly) to go public with these if the US Attorney doesn’t do something with them. I would love to see how many of those emails deal with the transfer of confidential information relating to these leaks.

  6. Hell with congress. They have had their chance. Who have they had, Lerner, Koskinen, Hilary, Pagliano, etc. etc. All we get is a new haircut from Gowdy and sympathetic news coverage from the alphabet stations.

  7. I am so happy to read the comments above. I have been wondering WHY, in God’s name, is Congress perpetuating this political grandstanding? If the woman committed a federal crime, then proceed directly to criminal indictment! C’mon– IT CAN’T BE THAT DIFFICULT. All Congress does is question, beat their chests, and then dither towards a finish line that will never be crossed.

  8. Over a decade of congressional impotence is ENOUGH!! This is like watching WWF Wrestlemania. Gowdy jumps over the ropes and flings a chair, Chaffetz flings the foot stool. They break for lunch and congratulate each other on what a fine job they did and everyone clocks out at the end of the day. It’s doesn’t even have entertainment value anymore. We all know how it ends.

    RICE: “I can’t say the pace of unmasking request would accelerate, but if you’re asking were there more reports provided to senior U.S. officials, after the President requested the compilation of the intelligence which was ultimately provided in January, yes. What happened was, as the IC went about the business —”
    MITCHELL: “The intelligence community following up on the business of the President’s order?”
    RICE: “Fulfilling the President’s request for such a report, they went back and scrubbed more reports. They began to provide more such reports to American officials including myself.”

    She clearly is indicating it was obams orders and many others are involved. Now, I’m not saying she is honest – she is a lying turd. . It just seems to me she is the low hanging fruit too many are celebrating over. Trump wants the big guy

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