The Media Is Ignoring the 500-Pound Surveillance Elephant in the Room – IOTW Report

The Media Is Ignoring the 500-Pound Surveillance Elephant in the Room



…You may be left wondering, “What will the mainstream media do?” They will certainly continue pounding the rapidly fading Russia-Trump story and do their best to avoid the surveillance of Trump story. They will also continue bemoaning their loss of paying customers.

A Gallup poll in September of 2016 found that 68 percent of Americans distrust the media. How would that number look today? Following months of uninterrupted media coverage of unproven Russian meddling, media distrust will likely be higher today than six months ago. In fact, the numbers are probably so bad that the mainstream media will have no choice but to claim Russia hacked the poll.

Article here

17 Comments on The Media Is Ignoring the 500-Pound Surveillance Elephant in the Room

  1. some idiot named robert redford (i think he was an “actor”) wrote a piece for the wapo last week that he should be embarrassed about, but he is a typical hypocritical liberal who has been spoiled and blinded by the leftist media bias

    you have to read it to test your blood pressure

    he claims trump is the bad guy for beating on the press and calling out fake news, and tries to make the case how we need journalism to keep things honest

    journalism, gmafb

    you can’t make this shit up

    you need to see gutfeld’s reply, it was spot on

  2. Forty years ago I saw Daniel Shore speak (it was part of a speakers series I attended for a college class — I would not have gone otherwise). I remember him saying “Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why the press needs the power to keep an eye on politicians.” I don’t think he realized the irony of his statement.

  3. Susan Rice not only lied about Benghazi, she also insisted Bergdahl acted bravely and honorably. Still, the media rushes to insist she must be believed when she says she didn’t know anything about unmasking but must have had a good reason to do it repeatedly for over a year with no findings of impropriety.

  4. Nixon… IMO… was what I’d call an honorable adversary. He was a cheat and a liar, but manned up when he was cornered and did the right thing for the country. I even came to respect him some after he moved to NYC and became known to leave notes on paper napkins for servers in restaurants. An interesting man.

    I can’t imagine B. Hussein or any of his minions admitting to anything in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It’s something the was handed down by the Clintons.

  5. The elephant in the room is a 175 lb. masked Democommie named Barry. Susan Rice is so twisted she would sacrifice herself to protect the Left’s agenda. She’s a very dangerous communist operative.

  6. From the article: “This may or may not have been illegal, but certainly was cheating by any definition.”

    This preemptive surrender on the question of law is killing me. In fact last night on Hannity someone else said the very same thing. Fortunately one of his guests (I can’t remember who because I was distracted), challenged the idea that it wasn’t necessarily illegal. We’ve got to stop playing by the D.C. lawyerspeak definition of legality. There is also the spirit of the law, not just the letter of it. If the Left can introduce the concept of motive as a rule of right and wrong, good and bad, by gum, so should we. And there was plenty of wrong, bad motive.

  7. @LCD – Obama never ‘ordered’ anything, he was there to make sure a/the President wouldn’t stop them from doing anything shady, dishonest or absolutely illegal.

  8. TO LCD
    Wrong. Big diff between Nixon and Obama is that Obama ACTIVELY WEAPONIZED PARTS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to do his “wiretapping,” whereas Nixon retroactively covered up the private wiretapping.

    TO AA
    Exactly. But: even MORE baffling to me is that there are felonies right on the table (e.g. release of info to press, possibly the unmasking itself). CAN YOU IMAGINE the press backing off Watergate “just because a guard found tape on the garage door”?!?

  9. Yeah, I was being nice.
    0bama is very good at the ‘implied’ order. He always said things in a tangential way. But his operatives certainly knew what he wanted. And he has done far more than Nixon ever imagined, not just against the opposing party but against all of America.

  10. Do we need the media? Yes. Can the media ever be unbiased? Unlikely – the news is reported by people who have biases. Is our current crop of mainstream media unfairly biased? Yes, and this is the problem.

    The perception, if not the actuality, is that too many media outlets either cover up stories unfavorable to their world view, or unfairly slant stories to support their position (eg. NBC doctoring video clips). Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were treated with kid gloves; particularly with Clinton, questions regarding her health, intentioal violation of security protocals, and dubious financial dealings were not only not reported, but the msm went into full “protect Hillary” mode.

    I like Trump, but I want to know the warts in addition to his good qualities. We did not get that with Obama, and we did not get that with Hillary. And the media is paying for their overt political cheerleading – MSNBC is widely known as nothing but a shill for the Democrat party, and CNN is rapidly losing any credibility it has left.

    I don’t want to rely on Congressional investigations by political hacks who generally make more speeches than ask questions in order to learn what the public should know. But the media is demonstrating that it is no better, and this is troubling.

  11. Ignoring the 500 lb elephant? I think not. They are busy trying to cover it with flowers, spraying gallons of Febreze, and burying the tons of SHYT it has left behind like IEDs.

    It’s going to take a lot of shovels to get rid of the remains of the Obama Circus of Horrors.

    Unfortunately, like an unwanted criminal relative, it will keep surfacing, forever.

  12. At some point the damn will break, likely when Trump goes direct to the American people to demand airtime. Susan Rice will be under indictment along with a number of other well known Democrats, Trump will have proved the Dems bugged him and leaked information to the press. The press (with the exception of Fox) will be shown to have been trying to mislead the public and to be trying to keep this Russian meddling story alive when they knew it was a lie. The viewership of the MSM (except Fox) will collapse with people hitting Fox for their news. Not saying going to Fox is a totally good thing but it’s a damn sight better than CNN or MSNBC. Heads at the MSM will be rolling faster then at lettuce harvesting time whilst the media try to rebuild an image of honest journalism. The Democrats won’t be able to get calls returned by any of the new media and maybe, just maybe the extreme left, politically correct junta that’s taken control of the Democrat party will be coup d’état’d the hell out and the moderates start to rebuild the party into more of what JFK had.
    Hey I can dream can’t I. This really could be a turning point.

  13. Susan Rice is the dummy, Barry is the ventriloquist. Were it not for his directions, she could do nothing. Maybe his English is limited and tangential, he still got the point across.
    Maybe she will look better in an orange jumpsuit. Complete with identifying numbers, she will be free to wear the same outfit for years. n of their own volitioNo one in Susan’s position ever did anything of their own volition.

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