CA: Gov. Brown pitches his tax hike in Riverside – IOTW Report

CA: Gov. Brown pitches his tax hike in Riverside

KFI: The people who will be hurt the most by Jerry Brown’s car and gas tax raise are the people who have to commute to work. The people who can’t afford to live in the city, so they move to Riverside County or to San Bernardino County in order to have a decent home.

Today Jerry Brown had the nerve to show up in Riverside and blather on about how great his tax raise is going to be.

Brown, De León, and other democrat creeps are trying to rally the votes they need in order to pass the Road Repair and Accountability Act.

Accountability. So now they want to make sure money actually goes to infrastructure? Now they want to pay attention to it?

Let’s be real, this money will not fix anything. This tax raise is a slap in the face to everyone who lives here.

KFI’s Kris Ankarlo saw Brown speak in Riverside today, and reports on the gas that spewed out of his mouth:


20 Comments on CA: Gov. Brown pitches his tax hike in Riverside

  1. Higher taxes never are used to fix anything, they just go in the pockets of government kleptocrats. The bigger government gets, the more of a racket it becomes. Like Oroville Dam. What should be the wealthiest state in the nation with the best infrastructure is ranked ~47th in test scores, its infrastructure is falling apart, and business and white people (“Ward he said white people cover the children’s ears) are leaving. Hasta la vista once-Golden State. More like Golden Showers state. 40 years ago everyone wanted to move to CA. I don’t know anyone who wants to move there.

  2. They don’t need to rally votes. They can just pass it. He’s not trying to rally votes he’s trying to sell it. The Militant Mex Mafia has a super majority. This is above and beyond another gas tax that’s apparently on the way for approval.

  3. Damn, I’m glad I pulled the rip cord and bailed out of CA six years ago. I had to put up with a gang-banger of a mayor in LA, who cheated on his wife, and she stayed in the mayor’s mansion while he was screwing everything not nailed down, and let illegals run rampant in the city.

    Piss on CA, at least on the 50 mile strip along the coast…

  4. Here’s the killer. California already has the highest Gas Tax in the nation. Along with vehicle registration. All the revenue is earmarked for infrastructure. Exactly what are the doing with it and where did it go? I heard this morning that the Howard Jarvis group was preparing a Law Suit. Hopefully the can get some answers. Hopefully someone goes to jail.

  5. His plans are not being well recieved by the normally pro Brown libtards even here in the capital city. People are pissed about the misuse of the billions in taxes earmarked for infrastructure and used for the high (Brown is) speed rail, social welfare, immigration. If the poeple of Sacramento are angry at Brown its a good sign.

  6. Ah, the good old gas tax to pay for road repairs scheme. It never gets old, does it??
    Electric cars and bicycles use the roads too. Let’s hit them next.

    Why not a wallet tax? That’s simpler. If you have a wallet and there’s any money in it, just fork it over. That’s the ultimate goal.

  7. All Too Much
    Yes, I forgot to mention that. The Loma Prieta Earthquake tax. We just had another gas tax go into affect on April 1. I wonder what that one was for? Probably legal aid for illegal aliens. There’s no checks and balances in this state anymore. I guess the good news is is that the Progs own it.

  8. How bout a state constitutional amendment where NO member of the state house and senate get paid unless the budget is balanced? Jail for all those who’ve served more than two years without addressing impending fiscal disaster.

  9. It’s all about the skim. In Illinois, the income tax was raised to pay down debt. At least that’s what the politicians said to the people. When it rolled back, the politicians started crying about budget deficits. The debt was never paid down.

  10. This is a tough one. When they passed the sanctuary state law I was happy since all the illegals would move there. But then this tax increase depressed me because they are too smart to stay in CA, which already has the highest taxes in the U.S. Then I remembered the illegals don’t pay taxes, so happy again. It has been an emotional roller coaster.

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