U.S. Illegal Immigration Plunges on Trump Crackdown – IOTW Report

U.S. Illegal Immigration Plunges on Trump Crackdown

Breitbart: Washington (AFP) – Illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border has plunged in the past two months as President Donald Trump’s crackdown takes hold, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday.

Apprehensions of people trying to sneak into the United States, seen as an indicator of the total flow of undocumented immigrants, dropped to 16,600 in March, down 30 percent from February and 64 percent from a year ago.

Kelly told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security that there was even a sharper fall in the number of families and unaccompanied children crossing the border.

“We’ve seen an absolutely amazing drop in the number of migrants coming out of Central America,” he said.

“In particular we have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of families, the number of children.”

The decline comes after a surge in the last three months of 2016 that appeared to be a reaction to the looming crackdown Trump promised in his presidential campaign.  read more 

3 Comments on U.S. Illegal Immigration Plunges on Trump Crackdown

  1. Imagine that. Take away incentive and the problem goes away. A virtual wall that Mexico and othet countries are paying for by taking back their own dependent citizens.

  2. I wonder whether the drug smuggling has also dropped. If the human numbers have stopped then the Border Patrol may be able to do more searching for drug contraband at the border crossings and vector more officers onto those spotted trying to get across the border. I guess the only way to really tell is if the street price goes up in the next few months. If the price does shoot up (no pun intended) then Trump could really screw over the Dems by allocating more Federal money to open more spaces at drug treatment centers. Get the wall up, cut down on drugs entering the country and get the addicts clean. The Dems would stroke out.

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