Sheriff: Giving Sex Offenders to ICE Damages ‘Community Trust’ – IOTW Report

Sheriff: Giving Sex Offenders to ICE Damages ‘Community Trust’

Breitbart Texas: The sheriff of Oregon’s most populous sanctuary county said he cannot help federal immigration officials because of state law. His office released a Mexican criminal alien convicted of sexual assault despite a hold from Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese told Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson that Oregon law prohibits his providing assistance to enforcing federal law during an interview conducted by Lisa Fletcher that will air on Sunday morning. “The state law is a very clear guideline for local law enforcement and sheriff’s statewide,” Reese explained. “We can’t expend county resources or personnel towards immigration enforcement.”

Fletcher countered that one state legislator is “furious about this.”

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20 Comments on Sheriff: Giving Sex Offenders to ICE Damages ‘Community Trust’

  1. In which community are you trying to build trust, you jackass? The criminal community or the law abiding community? These bastards that think we have to see everything in shades of grey instead of black and white are killing us. You are either legal or you are illegal.

  2. Wow. I had a good friend and his fiancée down near Left Coast Dan’s area on PCH (Pepperdine), killed by an illegal in the early 80’s.

    These morons have their antennas adjusted backwards. They don’t answer to anyone/thing than that of/to, the Constitution. Yet and if their constituents don’t like that then, vote’em out.

    If they don’t, we all have work to do.

    Recall his ass INSTANTLY!

  3. Next time you are in Multnomah county and you are pulled over by law enforcement of any kind, tell them since they will defy Title 8 and Walter-McCarran (the federal immigration laws) you do not have to obey them or their laws. Especially when they will let ILLEGAL alien sex offenders off the hook!

  4. Hopefully there will be no citizens injured due to this sheriff’s malfeasance but if it does happen, hope any and all injured survivors sue his low life ass off.

  5. dadblammit, the Sheriff is a nagger!

    I despise the Left’s constant fascist PC nagging and virtue-signalling, as if they ever had ANY virtue

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