Trump launches a strike on Syrian chemical weapons base – IOTW Report

Trump launches a strike on Syrian chemical weapons base

The President is not talking about regime change. And he said nothing about invading the country in order to overthrow Assad.

Patriot Retort: Not two hours after writing my previous post about Syria, the news broke that President Trump ordered a targeted cruise missile strike against Syria.

US Naval ships bombarded an airbase in Western Syria from which US intelligence believes Tuesday’s sarin gas attack was launched.

From what is being reported so far, it doesn’t appear that President Trump is looking to overthrow Assad. Instead, the objective seems limited to neutralizing Assad’s ability to deploy chemical weapons.

[According to the Pentagon], the United States did contact Russian military in Syria to inform them of the attack on the airbase:

The U.S. intelligence community assesses that aircraft from Shayrat conducted the chemical weapons attack on April 4. The strike was intended to deter the regime from using chemical weapons again. 
Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line. U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.


29 Comments on Trump launches a strike on Syrian chemical weapons base

  1. I tend to believe this isn’t about nation building and regime change by Trump.
    Trump has said in interviews past and present that he didn’t agree with the nation building in Iraq, etc. plus he pretty much clowned the Bush fam for supporting/doing it during the race.

    As for McCain and Mz Lindsey clapping like *Cholas watching a fight at a BBQ over this strike- They would clap for any aggression no matter who was CIC. There’s something seriously wrong with those two, as we all know.

    * Ask a Southern Californian about that 😀

  2. I’m floored by the outrage coming from Trump supporters. Paul Joseph Watson tweeted that he is officially off the Trump Train. Give me a break. He took out a chemical weapons factory. He didn’t invade the damn country. The kneejerk reactions are stunning.

  3. I think this was a straight forward, uncomplicated message to Assad (and the Russians). Do something very bad like using chemical weapons and we’re going to kick you in the balls. Simple, easy to understand and unlike Obama/Rice/Clinton plans will probably work.

  4. 1. Targeted strike at the base deploying the chemical bombs. How is that different than the drone attacks obama participated in?

    2. Notified Russia, per agreement.

    3. PERFECT PUSH BACK. Obviously LISTENED to his advisers.

    About damn time!

  5. Deep state pulling in Trump to fight more false wars. Seems sketchy to me, don’t see the reason Assad would use chemical weapons at this point as he essentially won the civil war already. More than a few people voted for Trump in hopes to stop this BS that aren’t feeling the love so much right now.

  6. Screw Schmuckles.

    I do not see a yuge complaint from the Russians
    on this one, it must have been accurate intelligence and the blood
    on Assad’s hands. Now take the dork out, he deployed them.

  7. I’m glad he did it. Aside from everything else, he proved he has more balls than Obama ever did.

    …..and Assad just received a swift kick in the muslim ass.

    Trump basically said, “now cross THAT line, bitch”.

  8. And tomorrow, he’s going to tell Schumer and the progtards to do the same when Gorsuch is voted in.

    Trump should send some flowers and a ‘Thank You’ note to Harry Reid.

  9. like all other middle east interventions we have engaged in in protecting our “national interest” I am so sure this will end just as well as the rest did.

    our central bankers are determined that the russian pipeline through syria will never be built.

    if it’s so vital to our “national interests” how come only sending in a few cruise missiles ?

    trump has disappointed me.

  10. Nothing in the Constitution gives the federal government the right or duty to police the world, nor the POTUS to attack another country without Congressional approval unless there is a clear and present danger (to the United States).

    To unilaterally attack our Desert Storm Allie, who for decades fought and still fights to keep jihad out and protect Syrian Christians is more than I can stomach.

    I’m now faced with the fact that once again we elected the lessor of two evils, but no better than that. When Jeb and McCain and Hillary applaud I’m proud to say I think this is bull shit.

  11. “Chemical weapons in Syria.”
    Where have I heard that?
    Sounds like ISIS is setting up the game for President Trump to play.

    Any reliable Americans seen the cannisters, themselves?
    Are these the same cannisters of Sarin provided to ISIS by the CIA and NSA?
    Or has Assad just gone full tilt?

    And since when does Sarin cause breathing problems?

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Assad has shown over and over that he’s a very smart guy.
    To kill his own people with nerve agents would be a very stupid move.
    Those of you applauding DJT’s attack based on the offered reasons have been duped.

  13. There is always a possibility that the gas attack was staged by the rebels, but the consensus by intelligence agencies in the region was that the Syrians did, in fact, use Sarin against a largely civilian target.

    Wikipedia has a very informative page on Sarin (far too informative, from a non-proliferation standpoint) that explains, “Death will usually occur as a result of asphyxia due to the inability to control the muscles involved in breathing function.” So, while it is not categorized as a choking agent, the principal cause of death is asphyxiation.

    The target may have been legitimate, militarily, but the use of poison gas is not and cannot be justified.

    Syria is a rogue state and has been for decades. The Assad family are sadistic leaders of a sadistic clan that sees those outside of their group as less than dogs. The same could be said for many of the rebels. Its an “us and them” kind of place.

    Assad may be the leader of Syria, but he has never shown himself to have complete control over his army. Local commanders seem to do whatever they like when it comes to barbarity. This attack my have been ordered from the top, but it could have also been a rogue action taken by a local commander. Either way, I doubt Assad was disappointed of the outcome — until last night.

    Time will tell what Trump’s motives and game plane were concerning this punitive attack. The staging appears ingenious, for maximum effect. Maybe I am giving him too much credit, but the optics of ordering the missile strike and then sitting down for dinner with the Chinese President is memorable.

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