20 questions on all this Russia business – IOTW Report

20 questions on all this Russia business

AmericanThinker: All this business about Russians and elections and surveillance makes my head spin.  I have questions – twenty, to be exact.  Here they are, in random order.

1. During her presidential campaign, did Hillary Clinton have top-secret security clearance and access to Obama’s Presidential Daily Report (PDR) – a level of security not available to Donald Trump at the time – and if so, might intel on the Trump campaign have had political cash value for Clinton?

2. During the presidential campaign, did Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin also have access to Obama’s PDRs by virtue of their affiliation with Hillary Clinton – or as a result of having their security clearances extended – and if so, might this information have been of value to the Clinton campaign?

3. If millions of global communications are swept up daily by our intelligence community, and then national security queries are made into the data in preparation for the daily PDR, what are the numerical odds that Donald Trump or people affiliated with him will continually pop up if he or they are not part of the search query?

4. If our intelligence community can leave fingerprints on a hacking job to make it look as though another government did the hacking, what evidence can they provide to distinguish between the two?

5. Beyond CrowdStrike’s claim about Russian attempts to interfere in last year’s presidential race, which they have since walked back, what independent evidence can our intelligence community offer to show successful Russian manipulation of the election – something with a degree of certainty at least as reliable as a weekend weather forecast or a mere harrumph, harrumph?

6. Wasn’t it Barack and Hillary who offered a “reset button” to Russia back in 2009?

7. Other than an alleged ax to grind with Hillary Clinton over her interference in Russian elections, what motive would Putin have to undermine Clinton instead of Trump, other than likeability, trustworthiness, and integrity, or the lack thereof?

8. Does the Russian uranium deal and the millions in contributions to the Clinton Foundation from Russian financial sources make one think Trump would fit Russia’s interests better than Clinton?


5 Comments on 20 questions on all this Russia business

  1. I wish the fbi spent as much time on hillary’s coercion with the Russians on buying the uranium mining as they do with trump talking to the Russians and telling them not to get their panties in a twist over obamas minor league diplomat expulsions.

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