CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s 12-Cent Gas Tax Passes Legislature on Deadline – IOTW Report

CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s 12-Cent Gas Tax Passes Legislature on Deadline

Breitbart: Both houses of the California legislature passed a 12-cent gasoline tax hike on Thursday, meeting Governor Jerry Brown’s deadline to provide an estimated $52 billion in new revenues, ostensibly for transportation infrastructure.

The bill, which also raises Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) fees, barely reached the two-thirds majority needed to raise taxes in both the State Assembly and the State Senate. Passage marks a huge political victory for Gov. Brown, who is in his fourth and final term as governor. The political consequences for legislators, however, have yet to be seen, as voters have not yet felt the pinch of a tax hike that, critics say, will hit rural and working-class Californians hardest.  read more

31 Comments on CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s 12-Cent Gas Tax Passes Legislature on Deadline

  1. Now that the Federal Government is run by the adults, the DOJ should open an investigation into the corruption going on in the California government. It is clear that elected officials, including the one Republican that sold out on this Bill, are gaining personal benefit and financial wealth in our state.

    All that needs to be investigated is: Where did all the money go? Then kill the bullet train to nowhere on tracks that can’t support high speed.

    Governor Moonbeam and Arnold should be in jail.

  2. These taxes were promoted as revenue raising programs, but many believe that is nothing more than an effort to get people drive less, use/demand public transportation and buy hybrid/electric cars. This is consistent with prior proposals under AB 32 (California’s global warming initiative).

    No one really believes these taxes will raise 52 billion dollars. But California residents, while they pay lip service to the anti-global warming blather of elected officials, are reluctant to give up their creature comforts and conveniences, so they must be forced to comply.

  3. What’s with libretards? They don’t learn from past mistakes. In the market place there are always those taxed to the limit. Tax increases force them out and move the next group to the front of the line. The number pushed out is NEVER replaced. So now, fewer tax payers have to pick up the tab for those no longer being taxed. And the cycle repeats itself. Nothing good is going to come of this tax increase.

  4. For those moving out of the State because the laws they helped pass and the legislators they helped elect and now inconveniencing them need to get a visit from the neighbourhood welcome wagon wherever they alight. The basket presented should include a copy of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and a tiny model of a Molotov Cocktail along with a pamphlet of things to do should a fire break out.

  5. 12 cents on gas, 40 cents on diesel. Registration will increase from $45.00 to $175.00 per year. This Law will cost the wife and I over $1,000. annually. Everyones pissed. Especially the ones that voted these bunch of bastards in. Brown has ab additional gas tax teed up to fund the failing state retirement accounts.

  6. Sales Tax, Property Tax, Gas Tax, Income Tax, EPA TAX (County), Tobacco Tax, Alcohol Tax , Toll road tax, Vehicle Registration, I know I’ve missed a few, But the Tax that chaps my ass the worst in California is a Tax/Fee for air compressor accumulation tanks.

  7. This is a great reason not to file your state taxes, or at least continue to work under the table.

    No matter, people are leaving the state in quantity and they are the ones who produce.

    Eventually California will become a high-tax utopia of nothing but liberal democrats, snowflakes, worthless college professors and illegal aliens – neither of which contributing to the betterment of California; only themselves (until there’s no more willing farmers to work the land).

    I say we should start fencing the entire state off from the rest of the country, or get the state of Jefferson in high gear.

  8. I lived near Sacramento in 1991. Unrecognizable now.

    The Left is like some hallucinatory mass hypnosis phenomenon. Orwellian doublethink on a constant basis, all day everyday.
    They expend enormous energy denying realities that are right in their collective face.

  9. More money to piss away on foolish liberal nonsense. California wouldn’t need to raise taxes if they weren’t so busy using taxpayer funds to import voters and supply them with the things the taxpayers go to work everyday to acquire. It’s time to split the state in two so the people in the northern half don’t continue to be taxed by this imbecile.

  10. His understanding of economics: Other People’s Money comes in, OPM is spent on whatever you want. Run out of OPM to spend, raise taxes on everything. More money comes in to spend. Repeat as often as necessary.

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