11 Handy Tips That Will Save You Some Money – IOTW Report

11 Handy Tips That Will Save You Some Money

Some cool stuff you can do for your pets, too.

12 Comments on 11 Handy Tips That Will Save You Some Money

  1. in my shop i slashed an x on the bottom of plastic Budweiser bar tubs, turned them upside down, stuck a bulb through them and voila’, i now have shades on my bare ceiling lights.

    of course any beer brand will do. Even Duff Beer

  2. @Brown Eyed Girl: Don’t feel bad – nobody else does either. Same with the housecleaning shortcuts and cool recipe videos, not to mention all those survival tips for when you’re stranded in the wilderness with nothing on you but a pack of chewing gum and a ballpoint pen. Strictly for entertainment value.


  3. As much as I liked this video, to tell you the truth they lost me when they pulled out the needle and thread. “Lose a button, buy a blouse” has always been my credo.

  4. HAHAHA. BEG- I hear ya. But I’m the kind who loses 1 button and then replaces all the buttons with something of my choosing. Something pink or with pearls. One time I had an old cardigan that was falling apart and I put so much vintage crap on it I looked like a Victorian NASCAR. I’M SICK!!! lol

  5. That was mesmorizing! I’m sending it to my very creative granddaughter, she’ll love it. If I knew where I could buy some scissors that good, I’d try a few of those. Thanks!

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