Trump Pushing Hard on Tax Cuts, Deregulation – IOTW Report

Trump Pushing Hard on Tax Cuts, Deregulation

FOX Business: Following the Labor Department’s release of the March unemployment report, President Trump’s Chief Economic Advisor Gary Cohn said Friday that tax reform is the number one domestic priority for the administration — and Cohn hopes to get it done this year.

“The President is pushing extremely hard on tax cuts and everything we can do to generate economic growth in the United States. The President [completely] understands how stimulative deregulation and tax cuts will be for the U.S. economy. He understands that and he is pushing us all very hard to get that done as soon as we possibly can,” Cohn said during an interview on FOX Business’ Varney & Co.

watch it here

9 Comments on Trump Pushing Hard on Tax Cuts, Deregulation

  1. To cut down on regulations Trump should have at least the same size staff as Sasquatch had. For cutting taxes Trump should hire a couple hundred business owners who are still mad at the government because of all those taxes.

  2. True or fake?

    In a 1991 book, one of Trump’s former colleagues recalled him saying, “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

  3. A guy who builds often has to demo first. Look at all the projects Trump has undertaken that were historic properties that required extensive demolition in order to rebuild to magnificence. There ya go. I think the IRS is about to be taken down to the studs and a few walls removed. Gutted, as they say.

  4. …in many cases (to continue the analogy), I think our gov’t and its departments are going to resemble partial or entire “tear downs”. That’s where you leave nothing but the foundation and the resulting structure looks nothing like the original. Think of the foundation as the constitution.

  5. This is the key to all things that we need to grow the country. (Yes Health Care is right there )
    If the Rino’s try to stop this or fight him on the most important thing, they all need to be voted out of office, and I will help.
    Take names and remember who voted how, and call them on all things that are good or bad.
    We have seen the power of the vote, remind them that we have not given up on the one thing that we can do as informed citizens of our country, and we will work to oust you if you don’t listen. We have the power to change things.

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