Target (still) losing money after transgender rule – IOTW Report

Target (still) losing money after transgender rule

American Thinker: In case you have wondered, Target’s policy allowing people to use whichever restroom or fitting room comforts them is still costing the store.

At Yahoo! Finance:

Target triggered a nationwide boycott last year with a single blog post – and it turns out the message was as big of a shock to the company’s CEO as it was to some shoppers.

The blog post, published in April 2016, publicized a policy that said transgender customers were welcome to use the bathroom or fitting room that matched their gender identity.

“Everyone deserves to feel like they belong,” the post said. “And you’ll always be accepted, respected and welcomed at Target.”

Target CEO Brian Cornell never approved the post and found out about it only after it was published, according to The Wall Street Journal.   


29 Comments on Target (still) losing money after transgender rule

  1. I went in today for the first time in several months, looking for a decent quality vitamin C (selection was actually worse than Walmart’s). Bought a so-so long sleeve shirt on clearance for $7, so they didn’t make much off of me.

  2. “Target CEO Brian Cornell never approved the post and found out about it only after it was published, according to The Wall Street Journal.
    Then why didn’t he immediately write a retraction?
    Flush em.

  3. The closest Target store had a man go into the women’s fitting room. The staff, of course, permitted it. He was filming minor girls changing clothes. The staff did nothing. Pissed off customers, female, chased him and several called the cops.

    He got away in his car almost running over some irate mom’s. The local cops nailed him and he faces a multitude of charges. A subsequent search of his home revealed he is heavily into child pornography.
    This is Target. Target, the store of choice for pedophiles.

  4. My vote goes for the CEO knows conservative boycotting is hurting the company financially, but it’s not destroying them (yet), whereas lefties are not above physically assaulting, demonstrating (one step away from rioting) outside CEO houses and intimidating their children, as well as stalking their movements and reporting to bosses about ANY infraction they can to get them canned. (And you know lefties, for as much as they scream about tolerance, have loads of no-no statements and other verboten acts in their closets.)

    So they have more to lose from lefties, at least at this point, and so are doing their level best to keep them pacified.

  5. They don’t allow Toys For Tots or Salvation Army bell ringers. They now stock Boys and Girls things together, and they promote perversion. They have people on their Facebook page continually bashing Conservatives. And they wonder why their sales are down? One more place I will never go into again.

  6. Oh yes I forgot to point out (because I didn’t get it at first either), the CEO is cool with the bathroom thing, he just didn’t want it publicized. So hiding it from a significant portion of his customer base, or an attempt to anyway, makes me say screw you. I don’t generally tend to reach for the boycott, but in this instance there are safety issues involved and people in authority who don’t care, so go rot, Target.

  7. Used to shop there pretty often, maybe $1000 a year. Since this whole thing came up, about two years ago, I’ve spent about $30, and no plans to go back.

  8. So the CEO is shocked, just shocked, that the PR person was working for them? Doing that sort of work? Like a Chicago department that can’t explain how the department head was ever hired? Or what they did? And that’s a better explanation of your mad managerial skillz?

  9. Target is toast. Another retailer unnecessarily harmed by a cowardly incompetent Leftist CEO.
    WalMart and Amazon together are too much for them to compete against.
    Their CEO committing fag/perv/pedophile PR suicide is more than any retailer could survive.

    Besides, I never liked Target. Their men’s section has long focused on the metrosexual-sissy look, selection in all departments is narrow and frequently out of stock. And it’s all just Chinese junk, marked up 30% higher than WalMart but with much less choice and variety.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  10. How smart do you have to be in order to figure out that policies that piss-off most of the population might hurt sales! There is too much good competition out there to shop at a place where the CEO is a tone-deaf Dumb Shit!

  11. Ain’t buying cowardly CEO’s lie. He knew. He is part of the problem and surrounded himself with mega liberals like himself. Blaming someone else or saying he didn’t know? Bull Shit! He knew, he encouraged, he condoned. If the movement had paid off, he’s the kind of guy who’d take credit. Glad to see them failing. Going to do all I can to help him fail.

  12. The last time I shopped regularly was in the early ’90s when you could get a decently cheap pair of comfortable jeans for around $15 if memory serves. I wore lots of them out. Then when I wasn’t looking, they turned into something that looked like it should be in a mall targeting teens.

  13. Not a stock holder or affiliated in any way. But if you want quality t shirts, underwear and pants, Target isn’t your place. Go online to Duluth Trading. It’s all I buy because it’s quality stuff. Not an advertisement. Merely a endorsement. You can’t beat it.

  14. The CEO has totally boned his company. He now has a tiger by the tail. The stock has dropped nearly 50%. Should they say mea culpa and reverse their position they will lose the other half of their customers. The left would walk. Things are already tough for brick and mortar stores. Companies and their CEO’s would be smart to stay the hell away from social commentary and get back to making money for their hareholders.

  15. Remember boys and girls, faggots and degenerate assholes are the most important and perfect people in the entire universe!!!… More important than you, your family, your friends, your country, and even God!!!

  16. Hey! I still go there! – To take a dump, in an emergency, if working near one.

    Strangely, no women dressed as men ever in the men’s room.

    Easiest boycott ever. As Rufus T said: “it’s all just Chinese junk”

  17. Never been in one.
    May be one up in the “Big City” but I don’t know for sure.
    Tough to boycott when you don’t shop there in the first place.

    izlamo delenda est …

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