18 Comments on Good Morning! Hope You Have A Productive Day!
As long as I don’t have to have a Progressive day.
May I recognize every day that I have received far more from God, family, friends, my community, and country than I shall ever be able to repay or acknowledge.
My wife gives and loves without reproach; my daughter continues to bust my chops and she is usually right; and I look around and see the things I know I need to do for my faith but fail; yet God gives me the grace of His Son.
Even though I suffer from serious physical issues each day is still a delight of breath and yearning for more knowledge and understanding.
I’ve been warned, wifey wants a shi tzu, oh my.
Looks like David Lee Roth.
Reboot, better start coming up with cute shi tzu names.
Reboot, get her a shi tzu – poodle mix: A shitpoo!
That is one crazy dog
and he looks like he is having too much fun.
Reboot, get her a bulldog/shih tzu cross.
You can call it “Bullshit”.
@Reboot: My response would have been “Woman, what the Shi Tzu talking about?”
Can’t tell you how I know…
but here is what that flexible beauty is thinking…
“Wow, this is the coolest of views!”
Hoping to be productive today
Taxes got me at pic 10 level on Claudia’s Sun Fun list
Well the IRS is having a productive day just sent my taxes in
Whatever dog you get, look into adoption/rescue first instead of handing money to a puppy mill straight away.
Every day is –
A gift from God,
A journey full of interest,
An opportunity to serve,
A challenge to get right,
A blessing to enjoy,
A day less to live,
A step closer to Heaven,
A reason to be thankful.
@Chairman Ray: You early filers make me jealous.
Very productive day. Physical therapy went extremely well and i hope to be done with that soon. We had a Shih Tzu years ago, crazy dog answered to the name ‘Dust Mop’ more readily than she would the formal ‘AKC approved’ moniker her previous owner tagged her with.
Went to a zoo the other day. They only had one animal, a common dog. It was a Shi Tzu.
reboot, I’m sure the dog will want to go and do everything with your wife and be a constant companion. (You’re doing it wrong if it doesn’t)
Consider MeToo
Thanks for the advice and the laughs, now to find
one that is not megabucks.
As long as I don’t have to have a Progressive day.
May I recognize every day that I have received far more from God, family, friends, my community, and country than I shall ever be able to repay or acknowledge.
My wife gives and loves without reproach; my daughter continues to bust my chops and she is usually right; and I look around and see the things I know I need to do for my faith but fail; yet God gives me the grace of His Son.
Even though I suffer from serious physical issues each day is still a delight of breath and yearning for more knowledge and understanding.
I’ve been warned, wifey wants a shi tzu, oh my.
Looks like David Lee Roth.
Reboot, better start coming up with cute shi tzu names.
Reboot, get her a shi tzu – poodle mix: A shitpoo!
That is one crazy dog
and he looks like he is having too much fun.
Reboot, get her a bulldog/shih tzu cross.
You can call it “Bullshit”.
@Reboot: My response would have been “Woman, what the Shi Tzu talking about?”
Can’t tell you how I know…
but here is what that flexible beauty is thinking…
“Wow, this is the coolest of views!”
Hoping to be productive today
Taxes got me at pic 10 level on Claudia’s Sun Fun list
Well the IRS is having a productive day just sent my taxes in
Whatever dog you get, look into adoption/rescue first instead of handing money to a puppy mill straight away.
Every day is –
A gift from God,
A journey full of interest,
An opportunity to serve,
A challenge to get right,
A blessing to enjoy,
A day less to live,
A step closer to Heaven,
A reason to be thankful.
@Chairman Ray: You early filers make me jealous.
Very productive day. Physical therapy went extremely well and i hope to be done with that soon. We had a Shih Tzu years ago, crazy dog answered to the name ‘Dust Mop’ more readily than she would the formal ‘AKC approved’ moniker her previous owner tagged her with.
Went to a zoo the other day. They only had one animal, a common dog. It was a Shi Tzu.
reboot, I’m sure the dog will want to go and do everything with your wife and be a constant companion. (You’re doing it wrong if it doesn’t)
Consider MeToo
Thanks for the advice and the laughs, now to find
one that is not megabucks.