Men ‘Transition’ into Women for ‘Frivolous Reasons Like Fashion or Clothes’ – IOTW Report

Men ‘Transition’ into Women for ‘Frivolous Reasons Like Fashion or Clothes’

A prominent author has said some men who “transition” into women do it for frivolous reasons, as well as because women are increasing powerful in today’s society.

Fay Weldon, 85, has written a new book exploring the issue, and risks the wrath of the transgender lobby and accusation of bigotry and “transphobia”.

However, he insists she does not intend to offend anyone and says she supports transgendered people who make the change for “serious” reasons.

Story at Breitbart

16 Comments on Men ‘Transition’ into Women for ‘Frivolous Reasons Like Fashion or Clothes’

  1. I’d need a more convincing reason to be separated from Mr. Winky, like life threatening cancer or industrial accident.

    Clothes and the opportunity to make 25% less in the workplace (if the left is to be believed) just isn’t enough of a reason to voluntarily be maimed, which probably why a lot of them don’t go through with it.

  2. Here is the frivolous reason:

    budget for [..] the transgendered to £22.72 million in 2015, up from £17.13 million the year before.

    Get you some easy £s!

  3. Yeah, I’ve been eyein some of Mrs Galt’s clothes of late but I got to Jenny Craig a few pounds before they’ll fit so…………bonkers, they’re all bonkers!

  4. Can’t “trans-gender.”
    No more than a cat can “trans-specie” into a dog.
    It’s bullshit and attempting to discuss it rationally implies acceptance of the concept – thus legitimizing an imbecilic perverse fantasy.

    An analogy may be a book on the breaking and training of Unicorns as War horses – or on the capture of Leprechauns to steal their gold and thus pay down the national debt.

    Absurdities should be thus treated, not meekly accepted – to engage the absurdity is to give it relevance – where scorn and derision are the proper responses.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. DH knew a guy who worked in a sexchange clinic at UCLA. He said the guys who wanted to switch thought women have it all and that they would be on top of the world if they could be one too. Everyone would love them and want them.
    When it didn’t work that way many of them went on to suicide. The clinic was closed for that reason.

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