Texas Wins Victory for Farmers Against BLM – IOTW Report

Texas Wins Victory for Farmers Against BLM

Breitbart TX:

Texas leaders and farm owners secured a victory in the battle against the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) attempted land grab along the banks of the Red River. The federal agency announced it is suspending the surveys ordered during the Obama Administration to justify the attempted takeover of 90,000 acres of land.

The BLM admitted this week admitted in a letter issued on March 29 (attached below) that it used an “incorrect methodology” in its justification for the attempted taking of land that had been in the possession of many Texas landowners for generations. “Having reviewed this deposition testimony and other new information, the BLM believes the survey methodology was used in error and may have caused errors in identifying the location of the Gradient Boundary,” Acting Cadastral Survey Chief Stephen Beyerlein wrote in the letter.  read more 

12 Comments on Texas Wins Victory for Farmers Against BLM

  1. Part of the UN/NWO agenda.
    Thou shall not hunt,fish,live or hide
    on the Kings land.One of the very very first
    treasonous acts Obongo committed was in Jan.
    2009 when he designated 5 million acres of land
    to be “federal land” now.Piece by little piece
    until there is nothing but federal land.Got a
    stream or a small pond on your property Bro?
    The feds control that and if you do anything to
    the stream or pond you will go to federal prison
    for 10 years and your property belongs to the feds now.

  2. Ahh, the BLM. The designated operators as fuck for the Obama Admin. In case your not keeping up on the new lingo, which is tough to do, Operator as Fuck, is a reference invented by our military folks as people that don’t no shit. That’s the BLM. Nice battle beards though. Nice job at getting your asses flanked at the Bundy ho down. Stupid fucks should have died right there.

  3. I live on what’s left of America’s frontier and there’s no federal agency we hate as much as we do the BLM. Of course the Forest Service is right up there with them.

  4. Brown Eyed Girl,
    Our Sheriff stripped the Forest Service of any law enforcement privileges in our county.Got tired of the dumb asshole confiscating legal weapons. I’ve had my run ins with a few. On the flip side of the coin my son in law was a smoke jumper/hot shot crew member since the time he was 18. He’s in management now but I can tell you if your shit is about to catch fire there’s nobody you want to see more than a hot shot crew.

  5. reboot
    Are Sheriffs also told the state legislature he will not comply with the Cali safe state bull shit. Along with many other Northern California patriot sheriffs. Hopefully they send the BLM Rangers to come arrest him.
    Our State Parks and Rec guys are not far behind the BLM by the way. Sod one of those assholes a 308 and Im still kicking my self.

  6. Traveling North of Las Vegas on 93 you pass a sign that says: BLM Ely District managing your public land. Further up 93 there is a nice hot spring at Ash Springs just across the road from the Shell gas station. Used to always stop for a dip until the BLM closed it several years ago. BLM fenced it off and put up US Government property No Trespassing signs on the fences. There are numerous tire tracks leading in and out of the place, so I was curious if people used the hot spring in spite of the closure. Seeking more information I asked the transvestite at the cash register of the gas station across the road if the government enforced the hot spring closure. The transvestite said, “The hot spring is patrolled regularly by the BLM, the State Police, and the County Sheriff. Anybody they catch in there is fined $300 each. “ That explains why the BLM has kept the hot springs closed for years. It is worth more to the BLM closed than open. That’s how the BLM “manages your public land”. Fuckers.

  7. I’ve got nothing good to say about the Bureau of Lazy Men and that includes their hotshot crews.

    The hotshot crews are trained to fight wildfires. If they can keep a fire from reaching your structure, they’ll do it but they aren’t trained to fight structure fires and if your place catches fire they aren’t required to save it if there is no danger to human life. If you have evacuated and your house catches fire, it’s probably going to burn to the ground.

    I don’t have a problem with them operating according to those rules. Although I know of instances of vandalism and theft by BLM firefighters, I don’t condemn all the hotshots for the actions of a few. What I really don’t like about the hotshots is their attitude that they know everything and I as a citizen know nothing. Typical attitude for the majority of government workers. May even be a job requirement.

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