Climate Change Doesn’t Affect NWS Forecasts – IOTW Report

Climate Change Doesn’t Affect NWS Forecasts

CFP: How long would firemen remain the nation’s genial mascot if they forced you to move into a hotel for a few days because you smelled smoke in the garage? As you were wondering if ten years of chainsaw, lawn mower and leaf blower gas cans were about to be launched into a low earth orbit while you waited for firemen to arrive, once the truck arrived the first responders weren’t worried.

They knew in 30 seconds the smell originated in an overheating freezer, and unplugging it solved the problem. But the brass was concerned.

The chief worried that since your house didn’t go up in a giant fireball, you would be so relieved that you’d fail to view the problem as the narrow escape from a fiery death that it was.

Consequently, you might be tempted to plug the freezer back into the socket after they departed; potentially melting you and the lamb chops if the freezer shorted out while you slept.

That’s why, to impress the gravity of the situation on your family, the chief delivered a scary, arm–waving lecture and ordered you to earn two nights of Hilton points at Embassy Suites.

Unlikely you say? Tell that to the National Weather Service.  read more

5 Comments on Climate Change Doesn’t Affect NWS Forecasts

  1. I saw a promo on TV once (I think for the weather channel) that said the reason it is so hard to give an accurate weather forecast two days out is because of global warming.

    You read that right: the reason they can’t tell you what the weather will be in two days is because they are absolutely certain what the weather will be in twenty years.

  2. Never let a good crisis go to waste, maybe another Haiti every month. The narrative is under control, people are convinced by giving money now they won’t have to give money later, the system is being juiced in futures specifically because of the lack of climate change. Climate hoaxers are selling short their own market.

  3. The ultimate Liberal Scam – Hoax in History !
    The money (whose counting) will never stop, as long as Guilt still exists.
    Those responsible for this Evil SCAM should be Hung on the White House Lawn !
    How many Medical pursuits for Cancer – Parkinsons etc. were not funded because people were convinced they needed to fund a total Scam.
    Will those who’ve fully bought in ever be able to see through the lies they have lived and breathed for over a decade now. It’s like telling Muslims the Koran was all a joke!

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