Battle over sanctuary cities escalating – IOTW Report

Battle over sanctuary cities escalating


Hagmann Report: Immigration hardliners are threatening to hold potentially billions of dollars in state grants hostage as they seek to compel so-called sanctuary cities to cooperate with federal law enforcement officials.

Legislators in 33 states have introduced measures to limit or prevent cities from acting as sanctuaries for undocumented immigrants. Only one state this year, Mississippi, has enacted a ban on sanctuary jurisdictions, but several others, including Texas, Indiana, Iowa, Florida and Georgia, are advancing their own bills.

Sanctuary cities and counties often defy requests from federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to hold undocumented immigrants so they can be picked up later for deportation. While there is no technical legal definition of a sanctuary city, many of the bills under consideration would require cities to swear under penalty of perjury that they comply with federal detainer requests.


5 Comments on Battle over sanctuary cities escalating

  1. So what to do if your Governor overrides individual Cities in his State.
    San Diego doesnt want to be a Sanctuary city !!!
    SCREW YOU JERRY BROWN – You’re a Childish Clown !

  2. The central govt has been withholding funds to get states to do what it “asks” for a long time: no highway money unless you pass a state 55 speed limit; no school money unless you implement Big Maw’s idiotic lunch guidelines; etc. So I don’t see what the big deal is about taking away the money spigot unless states “voluntarily” process immigration hold requests.

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