“It’ll tickle your innards!” Mountain Dew went down the drain and caused environmental concerns – IOTW Report

“It’ll tickle your innards!” Mountain Dew went down the drain and caused environmental concerns

Livingston Daily: Some 7,200 gallons of concentrated Mountain Dew syrup created a “huge foaming event” and generated environmental concerns after it went down the drain, literally, at the Pepsi bottling plant on Mason Road in Howell last month.

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality was at the plant on several occasions after a tank ruptured and sent the syrup through a floor drain and into the plant’s internal sewer system on March 10, said DEQ Senior Environmental Quality Analyst Carla Davidson.

“A spill of this magnitude is highly unusual,” Davidson said, noting the high-sugar syrup can have a toxic effect on aquatic life if it ends up in rivers, lakes or streams.

Most of the spill was contained, and PepsiCo and city officials said proper procedures were used following the spill. Davidson disagreed.  read more 

10 Comments on “It’ll tickle your innards!” Mountain Dew went down the drain and caused environmental concerns

  1. It sounds like their containment system took care of most of it, so the environmental damage should be mimimal.
    Even so, Sorry Dew fans, but I think it’s probably healthier to drink furniture polish.

  2. Aren’t humming birds buzzed up enough naturally that you would give them Red Bull. Red Bull is just liquid speed that tastes like shit, I drank it once and crashed 4-5 hr.’s later slapping myself, windows rolled down, radio blasting at warp factor 9 to stay awake while driving, never again. Fortunately I made it home.

  3. The best thing about Mt. Dew is that it’s made by the Obama Foundation, Pepsi. I can’t stand Pepsi or any of its hopey changey alternates, but Mt. Dew is oh-kay if that’s all there is.

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