Judge Greenlights de Blasio Document Shredding – IOTW Report

Judge Greenlights de Blasio Document Shredding

LZ – A New York judge has ruled against a pair of Republican state legislators who challenged a move by New York City officials to destroy documents used by illegal immigrants and others to obtain city identification cards.

State Assembly members Ronald Castorina Jr. and Nicole Malliotakis filed an open-records request and then sued last year when they learned the city was going to destroy the documents. Castorina and Malliotakis have expressed concern that lax standards for the IDNYC cards could allow terrorists to access the banking system.  read more

5 Comments on Judge Greenlights de Blasio Document Shredding

  1. Record retention act, it has been proven by Hillary Clinton that you can completely ignore the law, destroy required sensitive records and face no legal possibility of prosecution.
    The rule of law doesn’t exist for the progressive/socialist elite.

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