Maryland: Republican governor hails victories in Democrat-led legislative session – IOTW Report

Maryland: Republican governor hails victories in Democrat-led legislative session


WT: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan scored several legislative wins this year in the state’s traditionally hurried 90-day legislative session, including tax incentives for new manufacturing companies and an ethics reform measure that targets conflicts of interest and corruption among state officials.

Mr. Hogan, a popular Republican governor in the predominantly Democratic state, managed to get much of his agenda approved while many the General Assembly’s more progressive measures faltered Monday as midnight approached.

“Almost all of our major initiatives got done,” Mr. Hogan told reporters shortly after midnight, calling it a “great, great session.”

Mr. Hogan and Democratic lawmakers did come together on a few bills, including one that would tighten ethics rules for state politicians. The legislation increases the requirements for financial disclosures and widens the definition of conflict of interest.  read more

7 Comments on Maryland: Republican governor hails victories in Democrat-led legislative session

  1. How can anyone consider it a success when a government entity passes over a THOUSAND NEW LAWS OR REGULATIONS to screw up and mess with peoples lives?

    What a progressive state Maryland is filled with sanctimonious lawmakers who should go home and shoot themselves (but then on the other hand gas taxes are lower than Pennsylvania’s with that a-hole Wolfy.)

    Not a bitter clinger at all.

  2. he’s had his ass handed to him by the demonRats on several pieces of legislation, but he’s holding firm on those idiots trying to make Merryland a criminal sanctuary state

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