Border Patrol Union President RIPS Paul Ryan – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Union President RIPS Paul Ryan


Brandon Judd, National Border Patrol Council President

Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd blasted Speaker Paul Ryan for not funding President Trump’s border wall in this year’s budget.

Judd joined Stewart Varney this morning on Varney and Co.

Stewart Varney: There is a report this morning that Speaker Paul Ryan is suggesting that Congress delay border wall funding until next year. What do you say about that?

Brandon Judd: I disagree. President Trump promised he was going to secure the border and part of securing the border is putting in place the proper technology and resources that allows us to be successful. And a border wall in strategic locations is one of those things that must get done.


10 Comments on Border Patrol Union President RIPS Paul Ryan

  1. When will Paul Ryan start supporting Trump’s agenda.
    He purposely failed with the repeal Obamacare.
    Is he gong to withhold support and embarrass Trump on the safety of our borders and citizens too?

  2. Now, how is it that if there’s a sequester, the President has unlimited “authority” to shift money around to close parks, and otherwise make taxpayers miserable, while keeping open all the payouts to cronies and other assorted thieves, but during the regular season he can’t do shit?

    Fuck Ryan. Take the money that’s earmarked for “sanctuary” cities and states and build the fuckin wall!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Paul Ryan is a U.S. Chamber of Commerce cuck hell bent on providing them with all the cheap labor they could want regardless of how many Americans it hurts. He’s for open borders and amnesty. He needs to be removed as speaker and hopefully the people of Wisconsin kick him to the curb in the next election.

  4. I wonder how low the approval rating of congress can get, before the people wake up and realize it is a money pit; like a boat, money goes in and disappears! Approval rate is currently at 20%.

    Also, with so many illegal voters, is it possible for congressional approval to slip into a minus figure? Perhaps it already has, after all, pollsters are media generated, and we all know how truthful they are.

  5. Let’s pretend Ryan is on an overbooked United flight and have him dragged out of the Speaker’s chair kicking and screaming. He is not a leader and no good for America.

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