Salon editor-at-large endorses Maxine Waters for president – IOTW Report

Salon editor-at-large endorses Maxine Waters for president

American Mirror: While we may be less than three months into President Trump’s first term, that’s not stopping his media detractors for promoting his 2020 challengers.

The left-wing site Salon is apparently casting its lot with California Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

Editor-at-Large d. Watkins published a video on Twitter Wednesday in which he provided 5 reasons “why Maxine Waters should be our next president.”

“Maxine understands the people,” Watkins said as his #5 reason.

-Watch the video or Read the transcript,  HERE

SNIP: Thank you, Dianny, for that catfish photo. 🤣

44 Comments on Salon editor-at-large endorses Maxine Waters for president

  1. She is an embarrassment to the American
    people.That is not a cat fish but a bottom
    feeding sucker carp fish and it compliments
    Waters-on-the-brain perfectly…

  2. And Shelia Jackass Lee for vice-president.

    Wow! Editor-at-Large d. Watkins is the living breathing epitome of everything wrong with public education…..there ain’t none.

  3. Maxine Waters and Andy Cuomo … hmmm … could be a winning combination … if we could find a place for Bernie Sanders and put Gary Johnson as National Security Advisor, may just have a shot here …

    Sort of Keystone Kops, Three Stooges, and the Soviet Union all rolled into one.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m considering running against her in the next election. I know I don’t live in her represented district, but neither does she. If I can’t do it, someone else should, as the publicity of her being a slumlord representative might de-throne her.

  5. “Maxine Waters – – smarter than a box of rocks!”

    Not so sure of that, Billy.

    A box of rocks doesn’t say stupid shit and thus has never been proven wrong. It also doesn’t try to run your life with stupid thoughts and ideas.

    You can test this by putting a microphone in front of both and see who ends up saying the stupidest things.

    Box-of-rocks is far ahead of her. At least it’s still at 0. Can’t say that for her.

  6. Not a catfish….A Carp as TN Tuxedo clarified.

    Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee are a disgrace to black women everywhere. They are racist and complete idiots.

    Remember Sheila Jackson Lee asked the 1st Mars Rover operator in the control room to go get a picture of the American Flag?

  7. Maxine Waters: Proof that not only can a Ham Sandwich be indicted by a Grand Jury, it can get elected to Congress. It all depends on how stupid and dumb your constituents are

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