WH Website Asks Americans to Suggest Ways to Reorganize, Eliminate Federal Gov’t – IOTW Report

WH Website Asks Americans to Suggest Ways to Reorganize, Eliminate Federal Gov’t


“Give us your ideas and help us fix your government so that it serves you, instead of the other way around,” Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney implores Americans in a new White House video.

Standing in a room full of regulations created by the federal government in just the past two years, Mulvaney pleads with citizens to “Help me fix it” as he introduces a new White House webpage where Americans can suggest specific ways to “eliminate unnecessary agencies” and “drain the swamp.”

At the White House’s “Reorganizing the Executive Branch” webpage, Americans have until June 12, 2017 to tell the Trump Administration:

  • Which agency, board or commission to reform,
  • How to reform it,
  • The benefits of that reform,
  • Which agencies, boards, commissions, and programs should be eliminated,
  • Management reform suggestions, and
  • Any other suggestions (and/or links to full proposals)

more here

23 Comments on WH Website Asks Americans to Suggest Ways to Reorganize, Eliminate Federal Gov’t

  1. I can’t stand it when politicians ask for ideas on how to fix government! What the hell, you are only weeks into this and you are already asking for help. Right now I think you are the wrong guy for the job.

  2. He asks for help because he realizes 300 million people have more brain power than his administration. Why don’t you give this guy a break, If he does something he is criticized for it, if he does nothing he is criticized for it. He is the President and a human being makes mistakes! Get over it of fuck off!!!!

  3. It’s at least cathartic to take the survey. The lists of agencies is staggering, many I never heard of. But select as many for elimination as possible.

    If nothing else, Trump people can walk in to a department or agency and tell them that SURVEY SAYS…the American people despise you.

    I know it ain’t much….but it doesn’t hurt either.

  4. Oh where to start;; (#1) Dismantle All Executive Departments instituted after 1789, everything else return to the States. The rest of this would be irrelevant if #1 was done. (#2)ALL NON_ESSENTIAL PERSONAL FIRED. (#3) Rescind E.O.10988 (they work for US), We don’t work for them. (#4)Kill all the lobbyists.(#5)Expel, forever, any member of the House or Senate caught participating in insider trading. Give that a few years to soak in and prune where necessary.

    I could go on but my keyboard would melt.

  5. I’m with Brad. Fix California by getting rid of Brown and all his friends. Went to the gas station before work- gas is up to almost $3.00 per gallon here. I had to go back to work part time-5 hours a day– because my S.S.I isn’t enough and I spent all of my 401K on doctor and hospital bills before my wife passed away. Rent is high-food is outrageous and the bills keep coming. But hey- I’m not complaining- I’m just pass’n thru waiting for the trump of God so I can go home. 🙂 🙂

  6. Maybe we should put all the Democrats in camps, like the media promised we would – if Trump won the election?

    OK, on a more practical note – kick all the globalists/neocons out of the White House and appointed positions in the government. They never should have been put there in the first place.

  7. Keep closing down Agencies, Bureaus, programs until the US is out of debt. Where to start? Ask business owners to decide who goes first. Do we really need any departments related to Affirmative Action, race relations? Hasn’t the Department of Labor outlived its usefulness? Time to get the damned gummit back to the basics before a bankruptcy judge does it for us.

  8. IRS- flat tax.
    EPA- decimate it.
    NEA/CPB/NPR/PBS- ax ’em.
    DOJ- prosecute Cankles, Comey, Jarrett, Rice et.al. And gunrunners.
    BATFE- Keep ’em off my back.
    DOE- drill, baby, drill.
    Education- boot the commies.
    Immigration- boot the muzzies.
    SCOTUS- constitutionalists only.
    Congress- term limits.
    Voter ID- make it happen.
    Just say “no” to bullet trains, twisty lightbulbs, gasohol, windmills, solar roadways and similar boondoggles.

    …And quit fucking around- KILL Obamacare!

  9. Other than the military, I can’t think of a single, hopelessly corrupt agency within the federal government I would want to see left standing. I don’t see the point of this anyway, since 99.9% of the people employed by the feds could give a rats ass about any of us, and absolutely nothing will come of this… God, I’m so fucking pessimistic anymore…

  10. “Standing in a room full of regulations created by the federal government in just the past two years, Mulvaney pleads with citizens to “Help me fix it”…”

    Burn that pile, then get another one. Repeat until you uncover the order for the Louisiana Purchase.
    Alternatively, construct a moat around D.C., then ask Canada for some tips from 1812.

    Perhaps it would be best to do both.

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