Illegal alien deported multiple times charged with sexual abuse of young girl – IOTW Report

Illegal alien deported multiple times charged with sexual abuse of young girl

Spero News:
Oscar Perez-Rangel (40) is charged with multiple acts of sexual abuse of 12-year-old girl at an in-house daycare center in Herndon, Virginia. He is an illegal alien who has been deported from the United States multiple times. Perez-Range, a citizen of Mexico, is alleged to have assaulted the minor on five occasions at the daycare. While he did not manage the daycare, he lived in the house where it operated and thus had access to children.

11 Comments on Illegal alien deported multiple times charged with sexual abuse of young girl

  1. Where is the outrage in DC? Spero News? I used to live in that bedroom community and its full of rich whites and a huge influx of Pakis and Indians. They pack huge families into big box, poorly built homes while the males work in tech jobs or govt and the women just procreate. You can’t go to a Safeway without seeing a sea of head scarves anymore.
    I had to leave.

  2. firing squad on live world wide television. Public executions of all. No more life in jail on the tax payers dime. After a few-maybe things will change. Criminals have no fear of getting caught because they know it will be a slap on the wrist and a free pass to do it again.

  3. Having one’s hand chopped off for stealing is the expected punishment.

    For sexual abuse, just flip the offending organs atop the butcher block and bring on the meat cleaver.

  4. Fur, MJA, thank you for putting this information up on the web. I collect this information and use it to convince others to oppose unlimited immigration. That and I can show how screwed-up the adherence to our current immigrations laws are.

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