A Honduran MS-13 on FBI’s Most Wanted List Could be hiding out in Maryland or Virginia – IOTW Report

A Honduran MS-13 on FBI’s Most Wanted List Could be hiding out in Maryland or Virginia

NBC Washington: A suspect wanted for a 2011 murder in New Jersey has been added to the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list and could be living in Maryland or Northern Virginia, the FBI said.

Walter Yovany Gomez is the 513th person to be added to the list, authorities announced on Wednesday.

The FBI says Gomez, a member of the MS-13 gang, and a co-conspirator in Plainfield, New Jersey struck Julio Matute in the head with an aluminum baseball bat, sliced his throat and stabbed him in the back 17 times with a screwdriver because he was suspected of socializing with a rival gang.

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13 Comments on A Honduran MS-13 on FBI’s Most Wanted List Could be hiding out in Maryland or Virginia

  1. it’s only a few of them. This is most comforting to the parents of Kate Steinle and others murdered by this wave of third world criminals. and the reason we need them here, again, is???? drive down wages? increase traffic? increase crime? take away slots in higher education from our own college-bound kids? bankrupt our medical and social services? isn’t it wonderful? Trump are you listening? Focus on these problems please like you said you were going to. Thank God for Jeff Sessions, Trump’s best cabinet pick by far. Maybe Mr Sessions can get this turned around. I voted for Trump b/c of the immigration invasion that he said he’d fix. Let’s get that wall built.

  2. I have done jury duty in my local burgh. I like to check out the daily/weekly court hearings, they are publically posted. They are 99% muzzie and beaner, I crap you not. Domestic abuse, drunken driving, public intoxication, domestic issue, drug possession. 99%. The entire court system, clogged to the friggin gills, with third worlders. Your tax dollars at work AGAIN. boy they sure do work hard don’t they. No wonder we are $20T in debt and no wonder I just sent >30% of my hard-earned annual salary to the IRS. tax tax tax tax tax. How about some tax relief Mr Trump. GOOD GRIEF. Booting all illegals out of here would help.

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