Fresno State confirms FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security probing prof’s ‘Trump must hang’ tweet – IOTW Report

Fresno State confirms FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security probing prof’s ‘Trump must hang’ tweet

EAG: FRESNO, Calif. – Fresno State University is resisting calls to fire a history professor who posted about hanging President Trump on Twitter – a perceived threat that sparked the interest of the FBI, Secret Service and Homeland Security.

Last Saturday, German-born history professor Lars Maischak wrote that “to save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher, the better,” and linked to an image posted by another user headlined “The Dictators’ Club.”

The image included a smiling Trump, with the message: “Do you know who else discredited the media? Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot Hussein, Assad, Putin, ISIL/Daesh, Boko Haram … Tyrants and Fascists do it.”

The post gained little attention from Maischak’s handful of followers until Turning Point USA’s Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart, The American Mirror and others exposed the professor’s radical perspective.

Mastrangelo also pointed out that the recent tweet was only the latest manifestation of Maischak’s apparent obsession with political assassination.


SNIP: The part about discrediting the media is hilarious. Because having them in your pocket is less dangerous? *cough* Obama *cough*.

13 Comments on Fresno State confirms FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security probing prof’s ‘Trump must hang’ tweet

  1. His lame excuse, I was only posting to a few friends. A nest of like thinkers. The scumbag should be fired and deported. We have enough problems here without some krout spouting his hatred. Send him back to Angela.

  2. Lars, the only thing hanging is your wasted commie attitude. Have fun in prison, you stupid fuckwaffle. Tell Bubba I said to “go deep.”

    Elections have consequences.

  3. Actually, I love the First Amendment.

    Do, let him rant and identify himself as an enemy of liberty and everything decent. Just keep an eye on him and when he jay walks, he should be arrested.

  4. If he is here on a visa, revoke it and send him back. If he is a naturalized citizen, revoke his citizenship, and send him back. We actually have laws that cover these situations, so let’s start enforcing them!

  5. Make an example of this taxpayer paid government employee.

    These Lefty academics love their rhetoric. But they love their pay checks and pensions more. Their whole lives revolve around “financial security” (at their neighbors’ expense).
    Fire his ass and then bankrupt him with a criminal investigation that never ends.

    Time for academia to be vetted. Replace the fired with Veterans and patriots.

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