Secret Service fires two agents over White House security breach – IOTW Report

Secret Service fires two agents over White House security breach

WaExaminer: U.S. Secret Service has reportedly fired two agents over their handling of a security breach that occurred at the White House last month.

Both of the officers who were let go belonged to the Uniformed Division and had been with the agency for less than a year. They had been tasked with guarding the Treasury Building and an entrance to the White House complex.

On March 10, a man who entered the White House compound by hopping a fence near the Treasury Department made it all the way to a main door of the president’s residence before being apprehended by security guards.  read more 

12 Comments on Secret Service fires two agents over White House security breach

  1. love him hate him.Is he phony or real???
    One thing is for certain the DONALD don’t play Son.
    Obongo Seotero lookin’ worse every day.

  2. “Every” secret Service agent in charge of the President’s security should be re-evaluated based upon the criteria and demands of the positions.
    They should be replaced by (SOCOM) Special Operations operators, the best trained, experienced and loyal servants of this Nation (SEALS, MARSOC, AFSOC, USASOC personnel).
    Nothing but the best of the best and most qualified should be tasked with Presidential security.

  3. “Uniformed” or “Uninformed?”
    I’ve always been confused by that …

    But, yes, f4ucorsair is absolutely correct. A dog can be trained to guard a fence. SOMEONE hired these two – and SOMEONE trained them (poorly). The problem appears to be more pervasive than this example of simple laziness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Firing two rookies will not solve the problem. But it’s a start.
    Perhaps re- training would help unless they are complete dunderheads, which means they should not have been hired in the first place.

  5. All the way to the door of the President’s residence? Inside the WH? The residence is on a upper floor, right? Seems like that would take coordination.

  6. +1000 to Cato’s comment. POTUS deserves the best. SEALS can replace SS while the SS is vetted and reorganized.

    8 years of Obama and his incompetents did this.
    I pass by the WH often. The uniformed( public gates) SS officers now are almost unrecognizable. Many are fat, many are female and 5’2-5’7, almost all are minorities, and most do not look like they could pass any basic fitness requirements.

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