Minneapolis is reflecting the Middle East’s tribal problems – IOTW Report

Minneapolis is reflecting the Middle East’s tribal problems

Rashid says he wants to transform Cedar-Riverside into a “sharia-controlled zone”

Daily Caller: Local Muslims Try To Shut Down Sharia Law Patrol In Minneapolis Neighborhood.

Minneapolis Muslims are upset with a man patrolling the neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside who’s attempting to impose what he calls “the civil part of the sharia law.”

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Thursday that Abdullah Rashid moved from Georgia to the area last year. He began traversing the mostly Somali residential community and began imploring locals to not drink alcohol or intermingle with the opposite sex.

Additionally, he tells Muslim women he thinks are not appropriately dressed to wear traditional Islamic garb for their gender. Rashid told the Star Tribune he is bringing in others to help him do these rounds through the neighborhood.

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SNIP: Attention Pussy-Hatters, please call your office.



12 Comments on Minneapolis is reflecting the Middle East’s tribal problems

  1. These assholes become so self-confident because of American laws that allow loud-mouthed assholes to spew their ignorance that they fail to understand the underlying patience and determination of patriots that have been and are more than willing to pounce on obnoxious assholes once the boiling point is reached.
    I damn near feel sorry for such assholes….except I don’t.

  2. He looks like the kids I regularly beat up and took lunch money from. It would make sense that he would grow up and become an adult who wants to beat up others and take their lunch money.

    I guess it was my fault. Let him overcompensate and eventually he’ll come accross somebody who will take care of him.

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