Wildlife BiologistJeff Corwin is Worried that Birds Won’t Be Able to Fly Over the Border Wall – IOTW Report

Wildlife BiologistJeff Corwin is Worried that Birds Won’t Be Able to Fly Over the Border Wall

American Lookout:

MSNBC hosted wildlife biologist on Friday to discuss the possible impact that the border wall could have on the environment.

Partial Transcript:

Well Craig, if this border wall happens it will be an unprecedented environmental catastrophe. It’s poised to cut through more than 1,200 miles of habitat along the border between the United States and Mexico. There are over 90 threatened and critically endangered species that are in the crosshairs because of this wall, and we’ve got over 100 migratory birds that will be impacted from this wall. The endangered Mexican grey wolf, only 133 individuals left of this iconic carnivore this amazing canine, its head is on the chopping block and likely could fall prey to extinction.

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36 Comments on Wildlife BiologistJeff Corwin is Worried that Birds Won’t Be Able to Fly Over the Border Wall

  1. With no border wall there will be 300,000,000 humans put in further jeopardy of terrorism, disease, rape, murder and illegal drugs. But the little birds and coyotes are the main concern? Another liberal dumbass, they’re everywhere, if a news service is present.

  2. So the wall will interfere with bats. Yet they fly through the forest,live in caves on the sides of cliffs and zoom all over my house and my neighbors. In the city with 10 story tall building with no problems.
    Bats are smarter than this dickweed.

  3. So there will be a bunch of dead animals around the border wall? He should have investigated the environmental impact when mexicans are well fed on endangered species. The final result should be thoroughly studied, not some fluff fear mongering that leads up to well fed mexicans.

  4. Is this idiot for real???
    Just HOW high does he think we’re gonna build that wall? Last I checked this isn’t Babel. No attempted HEAVEN reaching will be occuring, thank you very much.

  5. This fog-brained pseudo intellectual obviously hasn’t seen the thousands of photographs of all the environmental contamination left behind by invaders. If he’s so concerned about birds and wolves, then he should be leading the charge to build this wall and then get his ass out there with a few million Hefty bags to clean up the mess. But no– it’s easier to criticize someone who’s trying to do something. Asshole.

  6. Yep, yep, yep … the migratory birds round here are always stopped by walls … the poor bastids just sit on top honking, croaking, beeping, and sobbing til some dirt-dauber of a “wildlife biologist” shows up to carry them across.

    Trees, too! I’ve noticed (not a “wildlife biologist, mind you) that a lot of birds get caught in the trees! In almost EVERY tree in my back (South) yard, there are birds! Poor buggers can’t seem to avoid them!

    It’s so sad …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I don’t believe that this guy is anything but NUTS! Birds migrate, they can fly very high. Take his degree away if he has one, which I doubt seriously that he even went past the first grade.

  8. Make it a double whammy with a moat and a fence so that the birds would be trapped in Mexico as well as all the fish (and illegals) being eaten by all the crocodiles and alligators and poisonous water snakes in the moat. Made up professor Irwin Corey was smarter than this retard.

  9. I’m with you, cato! The only “endangered species” I’m worried about is the American Patriot. The invasive species that has been threatening to destroy our country need to be eradicated.

  10. Mr. Corwin, just request that the USGov put up signs in bird language warning of the coming wall, that those affected should choose their side, north or south of the wall, and plan to remain there.

  11. I’m going to guess this douche nozzle didn’t mention the environmental disaster resulting from thousands of illegals tromping through the desert leaving behind mounds of garbage and otherwise destroying the habitat of native species. Amiright?

  12. OMG! I just read a previous post and… SNAKES! Most can’t climb a thirty foot wall! How will the poor snakes, who can’t afford airfare, get across to be with their extended families. So sad to think our need to stop terrorists, drug armies, and pipplz smugglers could be put ahead of snakes’ families. 🙁

  13. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for making me take the left-wingnut position and explain such simple science to you.

    Penguins don’t fly. They don’t have a chance of getting over the wall.

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